Chapter III

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Everyone looked at her in complete shock.

"Really?! She's going to go here?"

Alya said as she giggled in utter excitement.

"Of course. I just said that, duh."

Alya was practically shaking with excitement.

"Now this is something to blog about! Maybe she will let me do an interview. I hope we can be friends. She's so cool!"

Chloè looked at her nails and gave out her snotty chuckle.

"Yo dude, you hear that? A martial arts master who is also a super hot model will be coming here! To our school! Awesome!"

Nino fist bumped Adrien and smiled.

"This is gonna be so cool!"

Everyone said as they imagined (Y/n) there.

.,-~+*Reader's POV*+~-,.

I looked below me out the jet window by my seat in adoration.

I was back home after years of training and competing for and in nationals.

I smiled brightly as I watched the concrete runway grow closer into reach, until impact was finally made with the wheels.

We had finally landed in Paris, France.

I pulled out my phone to text my Aunt and Cousin to let them know we had made it safely to Paris.

"Welcome to Paris, France, Ms.(Y/n)."

The pilot said over the intercom, A.K.A, Mr.Yoshikawa.

I eagerly stared at the seat belt light, awaiting for it to finally turn off.

Just like that, my thoughts had been answered, and the light turned off, signaling that we could unbuckle and get out of our seats.

I quickly unbuckle and stood up stretching and popping my back and feeling relief.

"Ah. Yes! I'm home."

I giggled and punched the air.

I opened the overhead basket and pulled out my luggage, handing it to Vincent, and putting on my (F/c) leather jacket and my shades.


I walked off the jet to see Mayor Bourgeois and a girl standing next to him with Blonde hair pulled back into a slick pony tail; a yellow jacket rested on her shoulders, she had flats, white capris, and a white shirt, not to mention the cheap looking sunglasses on her head.

"Hello, and welcome back to Paris Mr, Mrs, and Ms. (L/n)."

The Mayor gave us a kind smile and then placed his oversized hand on the blonde girl's shoulder, gently pushing her forward.

"This is my daughter, Chloè Bourgeois."

I smiled at the girl to show I had manners and decency, in order to make a good first impression.

"Hello, Chloè, it's a pleasure to meet you."

Oh, look, interesting.

Chloè smiled and flipped her hair, sticking her hand out for me to place a kiss the back of it.

Usually only men are supposed to do that, but I don't mind...I guess.

I placed a light kiss on her hand and gave her a small smile.

"Of course it is, now we are going to be the best of friends."

I'm not so sure about this girl, but I suppose it wouldn't hurt to get to know her first.

"Cool. I'll put my number in your phone."

She handed me her sequined phone, and I quickly typed in my number, wanting to get home as fast as I could.

"Let's take a selfie together, (Y/n)!"

I sighed and stood next to her, making a peace sign with my fingers.

"Awesome. Can't wait for EVERYONE to see this."

Chloè chuckled lightly and smiled again at me.

Is it just me? Or is this girl wearing TOO nude pink of a lipstick? Yikes....honey, no..

"(Y/n)  don't forget we have school tomorrow. I will introduce you to everyone."

She came up to me and kissed my left cheek, smiling and then waved goodbye.

"Huh....that just happened."

I continued walking until we made it to the limo waiting for us in the front.

Once Vincent loaded all of the luggage and we had all gotten into the car, we made our way for our mansion.

I gazed out my window at all of the familiar scenery surrounding us, soon a school came into view.

"That's your new school, (Y/n)."

I smiled at the thought of going to a public school again.

"It looks nice, Mom."

I can't wait until tomorrow, hopefully I will make a few friends...

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