Chapter XI

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I moved my face away from his, and returned to my sketching.

We were learning about the basics of grammar that day, such as the end of sentences, and complete and incomplete sentences, (nothing I didn't know already).

I always enjoyed writing and drawing; I would always make up my own stories and draw illustrations to go with them.

They weren't anything special of course, just something to pass time.

Before I knew it the class had ended and it was time for lunch.

I stood up, grabbing my sketchbook and lunch, making my way for the courtyard.

There were many different groups of people, and I didn't know where to start.

Before I knew it, everyone from the class had ran up to me asking me to join them for lunch.

I politely declined and said that I still need to get used to things before anything else.

Luckily, they understood and left me be.

I walked outside and sat on the steps at the front entrance of the school building, leaning my back against the stone wall.

"Hey, girl, mind if we sit with you?" 

I looked up to see Alya and Mari standing there.

I smiled and nodded.

"Be my guest."

They sat beside me and began eating their lunch, I felt more comfortable and began eating mine as well.

I didn't want to stick out too much, so I just packed my favorite sandwich with some fruit to go with it.


My ear slightly twitched at the sound of a nearby cry for help.

I looked around and saw an older man struggling to get away from a group of three men who appeared to be thugs.

The elder man slipped and dropped his cane on the ground; the leader, from what I assumed, walked up to him and kicked the older man's cane feet away from him; that malicious act made me get up from where I was and confront them.

"(Y/n)? Hey!"

I didn't realize that the entire school had come outside to see what was going on.

"Give me the money or I'll break your neck, old man."

I tapped the leader on his left shoulder, resulting in him turning around.

His look of anger soon changed to a devilish smirk once his gaze met mine.

I crossed my arms in aggravation of the situation and annoyance at his sudden expression change.

Finally, I spoke up.

"No you won't, you're weak for threatening him."

His smirk grew wider as he and his posse circled around me.

"What are you going to do, doll face? Scratch me? Get lost before I ruin that pretty face of yours."

I cracked my knuckles and smirked.

"I'd like to see you try, wimp."

The leader snarled and threw his first punch towards my face.

I gripped his fist before it made contact and twisted it to where I was forcing his pinky-finger to nearly touch the side of his arm.

"Was that it? I was expecting more of a challenge."

I flipped the man and threw him onto the concrete; the second and third came at me full throttle, throwing sloppy punches; as I continued deflecting all of them, I grew annoyed.

"Are you two done?"

I smiled which only made them more angry.

They threw a heavy powered punch and aimed for my stomach.

Bad choice.

Grabbing both the men by their fists, I tripped one and threw the other on top of his leader.

"Don't let me see your face around here again. Got it?"

I turned and glared at the three men who were now crouching, wide-eyed and in pain.

They nodded and ran away.

"Are you alright , sir?"

I handed the man his cane and helped him up from the concrete walk-way.

"Yes, miss, I thank you."

He bowed to me and I returned one out of respect.

"You're very welcome, sir. I couldn't just stand around and watch and innocent person be treated so unacceptably."

The elder smiled and kind grin.

"You are a natural hero."

The man turned, walking slowly away, and I turned to walk back in the steps of the school.

A loud applause was given when I stepped back on the stairwell.

I looked up and found everyone in my class cheering.

"That was awesome, (Y/n)! "

"You go, girl!"

"You're a hero!"

"You're so cool!"

I smiled at all of the statements and then returned to my spot to finish my lunch, as did everyone else.

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