Chapter X

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"Adrien Agreste. I've heard of you, (Y/n), you were amazing at nationals."

I smiled slightly bigger at his complement.


He rubbed the back of his neck and gave a light chuckle.

"Yeah, no problem. Anyways I gotta get to class. Later, Alya. Later, (Y/n)."

I waved goodbye and turned back to Alya.

"Ready? The first class we have is language arts, so we should be on our way. Marinette should be holding our seats."

I nodded and followed Alya.

She led me out into the courtyard and then up the stairs, and into the classroom.

When I walked in, I could feel the burning gazes of students on me.

I once again, ignored it and just smiled.

"Stand here, the teacher will introduce you once class starts."

I gave her an 'okay' and waited by the teacher's desk, watching as seats filled up before me.

After a few minutes, the bell had rang and I couldn't help but feel slightly worried.

"Good morning, everyone, we have a new student who arrived here from Japan."

The teacher walked in the room and stood next to me at her desk.

"You probably know of her, but if you don't already, this is (Y/n)(L/n)."

I smiled and was about to bow to show respect, but realized quickly that Japanese etiquette was different and waved to everyone instead.

"Hello,everyone, it's a pleasure to be here."

Everyone smiled back and greeted me.

"Hello, (Y/n), welcome back to Paris."

I giggled softly and placed my thumb in my pocket.

"You can sit next to Adrien, since Nino seems to not be here today."

I looked over at the blonde boy and met with his light green orbs.

He waved at me, and gave a welcoming smile, motioning for me to sit to the left of him.

I walked over and sat beside him, setting my bag on the desk and pulling out my sketch book and writing journal.

Opening my sketch book I began to sketch landscapes of Tokyo, Japan.

"You draw?"

I turned at the sound of a whispered voice.

"Yeah, it's a hobby of mine."

He looked at my sketch and touched the charcoal strokes.

"You've got a gift."

His attention then rested on me, I hadn't realized it, but our faces were quite close.


I moved my face away from his, and returned to my sketching.

We were learning about the basics of grammar that day, such as the end of sentence and complete and incomplete sentences (nothing I didn't know already).

I always enjoyed writing and drawing; I would constantly make up my own stories and draw illustrations to go along with them.

Although, they weren't really anything special of course, just something to pass time.

Before I knew it, the class had ended and it was time for lunch.

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