Chapter VI

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"Don't worry, Marinette, you'll know for sure when you've met your one."

She smiled faintly and nodded.

"Yeah, you're right. So, you're going to school with me staring tomorrow?"

I have a goofy smile and nodded.

"You bet!"

We both broke into a laughing fit.

"Ah, I'm glad you're back, (Y/n)."

She wiped laughter tears from her eyes and smiled big.

"Me too, Mari."

We sat there in silence for a few seconds; it wasn't an awkward silence, it was more of a comfortable one.

"So, are you going to help me out tomorrow? With who are the right and wrong people to hang out with? Where I'm supposed to go and such?"

She nodded.

"Of course."

I walked over to the door to her balcony, opening it and stepping outside.

"Hey, Mari, do you mind if I spend the night here?"

Footsteps approached me and they stopped at my side.

"Not at all. Let's go get your things from the limo."

With that, we made our way down the stairwell and out the bakery.

"Momma? Poppa? May I spend the night here with Marinette? I want to catch up with her."

My parents looked at each other and gave a faint nod, then turned back to me and smiled.

"Sure, but Vincent will be here to pick you up in the morning to drive you to school."

I nodded in understanding, and went outside to get a small suitcase that consisted of my basic needs. Makeup, straightener, brush, toiletries, and clothes.

"Got it?"

Marinette called out from the bakery door.

"Uh huh."

I extended the handle and rolled the suitcase up to my cousin's room.

"So, what should we do first?"

Marinette closed the trap door of her room and rubbed her chin as if she was in thought.

"I want to take a picture with you."

I smiled and walked over to her.

Mari grabbed her Polaroid camera and held it out in the air, both of us smiled goofily and held out peace signs.

She took the picture and watched as it obliged from the camera bottom, then looked back over to me.

"Memories, let's always make them together."

I nodded and we looked at our picture, laughing at how quirky we are.

We spent the entire night like that, until we passed out.

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