Reader x David

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I waltzed into the the camp, after being away for a few days. I was a Counselor at Camp Campbell, but due to an incident of shielding a student from a serious stabbing injury, I had to take leave. I had my belongings slung over my shoulder as I walked into the camp. The skies were really clear, and it felt like it was going to be a good day. I walked further, and made it to the counselor's cabin. It was early in the morning, so I did my best not to make a sound. The door creaked open, making me cringe. They really needed to oil the hinges. Anyway, I walked into the counselor's cabin, and I see my bed, empty and clear of any evidence of my short presence there. I guess it was cleaned out. I throw my bag on the bed and start unpacking. After I finish, I sigh, I mostly had books, and sketchpads, and clothes of course. A sudden noise, shocks me into the edge of the bed. I look around and see... David?

He seemed tired, and groggily opened his eyes to get a better view of me. In a deeper and rustier voice, he quietly says, "Who are you?" "David?" I say. His eyes suddenly shot open, and his whole aura sort of shifted. He stood up straighter, "Y/N?" He smiles at me and walks over to me. "How's the shoulder holding up? Well, of course it must be okay, since you're back to camp!" His smile threw me off, it was such a great change between what he sounded like at first. He clears his throat, "Oh boy. You're back, I wonder what the kids'll say!" I also wondered that too. I wonder what my reaction would be when I see those tiny bastards. Hopefully it'd be fine.

I helped David out on the first few activities during the day. It was a bunch of carrying. Which, I found no harm in, but it did make my sore shoulder throb even more. The kids haven't woken up yet, so it gave us a little time to rest a bit. I saw Gwen too! She was reading one of her S&M novels, and paying no mind to what David or I was doing. David was standing in front of a mirror, fixing his hair, and making the finishing touches to his outfit. He looked like one of those cliche girls in movies always trying to make themselves look presentable. I stood there in my regular Counselor shirt and ripped shorts.

A trumpet rings out. It must have been the Quartermaster. I always wondered how the man could blow a trumpet, he did only have one hand. I sigh along with the rest of the counselors. We get into a huddle, and David speaks up, "Alright Gwen, Y/N, let's make this an awesome day for the kids." Gwen unenthusiastically cheers, and I join her, but with more enthusiasm. David looks at me, "And! Hopefully this'll be an awesome day for our co-Counselor returnee, Y/N" I glance at David and smile. Then, I look to Gwen. I smile at her too.

We walk over to the mess hall and see the kids being rowdy. And it was so early in the morning too. Gladly, I didn't just wake up, so I wasn't cranky like Gwen who seemed to be groaning every time the squeaky little bastards said something. I hung around with David, who seemed to be watching the kids from a distance from a table in the corner of the mess hall. "Look at them, Y/N. Aren't you glad to be back?" I look around the room to see all the kids, "Yeah. I am---" I see him. Fuck, my throbbing shoulder isn't helping at all. I didn't realize that kid actually fucking traumatized me. I wince in pain, grabbing onto my shoulder. No, no maybe this isn't pain. It's just painful memories coming back. Holy shit did my shoulder hurt when that fucking knife penetrated it. That kid was outright mental. This isn't good, I feel my eyes watering. My breathing is quickening. Damn it, this is my first day back. These kids don't need to see that their already pathetic counselor is being pathetic right in front of them. That's right. I'm fucking pathetic. I was totally wrong this isn't gonna be a good day, it's fucking horrible. That kid--- It's that kid's fault. He gave me this pain. I fucking hate this job---

David tapped me on my good shoulder. "Y/N? Are you alright? Is your shoulder good? You're grabbing it pretty tightly." I let go of my shoulder, and wiped the soon to be tears in my eyes. "Yeah. Yeah. I'm fine." David's eyes widened, "You're bleeding."


"You're wound must've opened! Oh no! This is bad, you just came back too! I'll get the second aid kit! Gwen!" I panic at the sight of blood. That stupid second aid kit won't help at all! What the fuck Sleepy Peak hospital! These stitches are absolute crap! The kids screaming and my internal screaming, and dying don't really mix well together. David comes back with the kit, and rolls up my sleeves. I don't look at the wound. "Oh gosh. Those dang doctors didn't do a bang up job did they? Don't worry though, I think I have this under control." He bandages my shoulder. I look at David, "Thanks." David looks up at me, "No problem Y/N." I suddenly feel my heart get lighter, "David?" I say. He continues adding more bandages, "Yeah?" I chuckle, maybe this job isn't that bad, "Does Gwen put that much bandages when you get injured? Cause that's a shit ton of that." I laugh. David stops, "B-but. Don't you need this much bandages? F-for an injury like this?" I shake my head no, smiling at David. He blushes, "O-oh. Darn it." He cuts the bandages, and put the rest, there was barely any left, back in the kit. As he walks away, I call out to him. "David!" He turns around, "Yeah?"

"Thank you again."

You must be wondering, why I told him that again. These kids are assholes, and I think he needed it. He smiled at me, "You're welcome." Before going away to put the second aid kit away.

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