University!Reader x University!David

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The breeze outside made my hair fly across my face, causing me to instinctively spit the hair strands out of my mouth. Oh how I disliked it when the weather's like this. Don't get me wrong, I would totally prefer winter or fall compared to summer. Summer is a whole different level of distaste left in my mouth. The sweating, mosquitoes, the exposed skin. I had my bag slung over both my shoulders, and my hands tucked inside the thick sleeves of my sweater. I was walking around campus, trying to find my way to my class. There were several buildings around me, and with my horrible sense of direction, memory, and the hair in my face, I was totally lost.

Of course I had to get lost on my first day. Being a freshman is absolute hell. I should've paid more attention to the tour guide before classes started. I had to use my last resort, the choice I dreaded asking. I look around and see a man who seemed to know what they were doing, they were probably not a freshman. I try to reach out to him, but he was walking too fast. I fight against my shuddering teeth and manage to yell out a few words to the passing stranger, "Hold up! You with the red hair!" He slows down, wondering if the yell was meant for him. Thankfully, because of that I was able to catch up to him. "Um excuse me." He turns around and sees me, gasping for air. "I'm really sorry to bother you, but um--." I took a deep breath in, regaining my posture. I exhale. "I'm new here and I'm trying to get to Music Theory." I look up at the man, and my face reddens. David?

He was wearing a thick yellow scarf around his neck.

"Oh!" He says a white puff of cold air emitting from his mouth, "I'm headed there right now."

He didn't seem to remember me. Oh god, I feel my body warming up. This was not good, considering how it was so fucking cold outside. I haven't seen him in so long. Junior year in fact. He was a Senior I was a Junior, I knew him since I was a sophomore we were in a few clubs together. And of course I had to catch feelings for a senior. Who does that?! I cringe quietly behind David's back. "So you're a freshman huh?" He asks.  I jump at the question, "Y-yeah." I say trying to avoid looking directly at David.

He lets out a huge sigh, "Ah, I remember being a freshman." He chuckles, and I see the tiny puffs of air come from his mouth. "O-oh. But aren't you a sophomore?" He stops in his tracks and looks at me, "Yeah. But how did you know I was a sophomore?"    He takes a closer look at me, and I see him backing up one step. "Do I know you from somewher---" he stops himself, "Wait! Wait! Your face!" He claps his hands together loudly, "Y/N! From highschool! I haven't seen you in two years!" His feet stopped backing away and I see him walking closer and closer to me. I focused my eyes on his arms, which were coming in for a hug. "You still remember me." I say with a mouthful of jacket. He was way taller than I remembered, and my face was smothered into his chest. He lets go, and smiles. "So how have you been? How was everything for your senior year. Same old same old?" I try regain my composure , "Oh my god, David. You seriously need to stop with those bear hugs. And yes, the school was the same old same old." I should've held back my tone a little bit.

On David's face I see him looking almost offended that I spoke to him like that, but soon that offense became concern. "Hey, is everything alright? We could walk around a bit before going to class. Talk to me." I look down. This guy was so alluring, but I wouldn't want to hang around too long. Those suppressed feelings I kept away from him, just might come back-

Oh god. He was looking at me. Hell, those feelings may have just came back.

I didn't really want a repeat of my junior and senior year of highschool. A year left disappointed because, I didn't tell him my feelings, before he left to go to college.

"Let's go." He suddenly says, I nod and follow him. "Did something happen when I left?" David asked. "Well not really." I manage to mutter out. I could tell David was trying to help me out. I really wanted to tell him. But, these feelings were complex.

(Even the author couldn't understand them)

The truth is I didn't want him to leave. It was inevitable but, shit. Damnit. It frustrated me so much back then. "Well then what's with the sad face?" He asks. "Are you crying?"

I wipe my tears, "No. I-it's just the cold. BRRR." I say chuckling. I quickly look away. I hear David trying to find the right words to say, "Uh, um. Then, maybe we should go inside. Let's find the class shall we?" He makes a sharp turn right, but I find myself getting left behind again.

"David!" I yell.

He turns around and sees me, his eyes widen.

"I was okay. Well I thought I would be. But, then I saw your face and then I sort of realized." I take a deep breath, "It's not." I say silently, almost a squeak. A puff of cold air wafts around me. "I didn't want to be left alone. All my friends became separated, and you were gone." I sniffle. "I realize that it just might be the same exact thing happening here."

"It doesn't have to be that way!" He says.

I try to force out a smile, but it becomes crooked into a frown, "You're a sophomore David. You're a year older than me. You're going to leave earlier and leave me all behind once again."

I feel his arms around me. He was hugging me, "I'm sorry Y/N. I didn't know that hurt you. I won't leave you alone this time. I promise. 

I hugged him back, wiping my tears on my sleeve. "Thanks David."

He releases the hug, I still felt his warmth on me. "Let's go to class." He nods yes.

We walk side by side, when I feel like doing something dumb.

"Hey David?"

He looked back at me, "Yeah?"

"Did you know I caught feelings for you back in highschool?"

David stopped and turned to face me. He looked dumbfounded. Aw shit, I shouldn't have told him. But then I see his face getting redder and redder.

"David you're red."

He touches his face, "Oh yes! It appears that I am." He says, smiling. "You know, actually I think I still do. I still like you."

David mouth opened but no words came out, only sudden gasps. I take a deep breath in and out, "I've been meaning to tell you."

A/N: I haven't had a good story written yet, and I was definitely going somewhere with this, but ended up making it edgy. Oh dear, please s a v e me. Hope you enjoyed this. Next chapter is coming out soon maybe.

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