David x Reader

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I blew the smoke that was steaming out of my cup of tea. It was the late evening, and the sky was turning purple, and the world was getting ready to rest.

But not me.

I took a large gulp from my caffeinated tea and exhaled a huge puff of hot air. I placed aside the cup and out of my bag came a laptop. I stretched a bit before opening the screen up and typing.

I heard a few bells chime, meaning the door was opening a few times. I didn't bother looking up, I had my work in front of me after all. I mean there couldn't possibly be anything that could catch my interest---


I could recognize that floof from anywhere. It was David!

I see David turn to catch my eyes, and I quickly look away. A bit too quickly. My chair was shaking and I had to quickly grab onto the table to stop myself from falling.

David walks over to me, a big grin on his face. I loved that grin of his. He took a chair and sat in front of me, folding his winter coat and hanging it behind him on the chair he was sitting on. "Y/N! What a surprise to see you here, what's new?" I return his grin, "Just some work. I got a job with some research. What about you? What have you been doing over the summer?" David grins, "I was working at a summer camp over at Lake Lilac." There were so many camps over there. I couldn't  think of a specific one.

"Uhh..." I hesitate, afraid to get it wrong.

"Camp Campbell." David says chuckling, "It's not as well known as the flower scouts or wood scouts, but... it's still special."

I felt my heart skip a beat, he honestly was a good person.

Suddenly, a waiter walks up to us, "I see you've come with a date, may I get you something sir?" I almost choke upon drinking my tea. Date? A Date?

I look at David, who seemed unaffected by that word and was ordering a cup of coffee and some kind of pastry.

I chuckle as the waiter walks away to send out his order. David notices and inquires, "What's funny?" He replies with a chuckle as well. I feel my face redden, "Well that waiter said this was a date." David raises a brow, "Would that be so bad now?" I tense up, "Oh. O-oh!" My laugh came out all of a sudden. I shook my head, "It wouldn't! Sorry if that sounded rude." David smiles, "It's fine."

Sometime has passed and both of us sat there in almost silence, sipping at our drinks, and me clacking on my keyboard.

Suddenly I check the time. It was pretty late now. David must get going. I look at David and my guess was right!

"I guess I'll get going to Y/N. See you--"

I interrupt him. "Wait! M-maybe. Maybe. We could go on an actual date? Sometime next week?" David's face lit up, "Really?" I nod, looking away, trying to avoid the face he was making at that moment. I hear David's body getting closer, I feel his hands intermingle with mine, "I'd love to."

(This was just supposed to be a cute chapter without any angst. So like fluff? I don't know how to write fluff. This doesn't really have a plot. Also, if you don'u know I got like another camp camp fanfiction with preston as the main boyo. I update that a whole lot more, and I'm trying to even that out. So if you're waiting for updates on this, you can check out my preston x reader fanfic.)

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