Skeptic!Reader x Harrison

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"Pick a card! Any card!" The young man shouted. He had a tiny table set up, and he was wearing too much of an extravagant outfit. I was the one he was talking too. I chose one of the cards and showed the crowd. It wasn't really much of a crowd, but he still insisted for me to show it. He continued with his trick, and got people to see 'magic'. I scoffed, which seemed to offend him a bit.

With a smile he looked at me with crossed arms, "Was there a problem with the trick?" I shook my head, chuckling a tiny bit, "No not at all." He smiles, "Alright then---" I cut him off, "It's just that I don't find this trick all that believable. How is magic even real?" The crowd gasps, the gasps actually only coming from the youngest of the lot.

"You don't believe?" The man says. "I don't." I say, standing my ground. I lean closer, to get a better look at this magician. "What's your name?" He asks. "Y/N." Harrison chuckles, "Well Y/N." he holds out a hand in front of my face. He snaps and a rose appears in his hands. He was offering it to me? "Do you believe in it now?" I roll my eyes, smiling devilishly at the man, it was simply slight of hand. "You're quite the charmer aren't you? But, that trick isn't fooling me."

The man frowns, "Why not?" That that took me aback. It was quite a childish response to what I just said. "Well I'm a person of logic and reasoning. Magic goes against all of my morals!"

"I'll show you more tricks. Maybe that'll convince you?" He smiled childishly at me. I furrow my brows, "What's you deal? You're just a street magician. What can you do?" The crowd gasps. The man smiles, "It appears that we have a new comer in town folks!" I look around. "What do you mean?"

The man scoffs, "Everyone and I mean everyone knows who I am. I'm not just a street magician. I'm a real one." I look on with disgust. "The name's Harrison. Pleasure to make your acquaintance." He held out his hand in a gentleman like manner, but when he saw the expression on my face he quickly withdrew it. He frowns, "I'm sorry ladies and gentleman! I'm cutting the show short!" He pockets his cards and begins to fold the tiny table in front of him. I scoff, "What? You're done already?" I look around and see the crowd beginning to walk away, one by one. "You've only showed me on measly trick. And an easy one to decipher in fact!" Harrison raises a brow, "You want me to show you some more tricks?" He smirks.

I roll my eyes, "So you aren't going to defend your whole 'I'm a magician! A real one!' Act?" I cross my arms looking on skeptically.

He looks around, seeing that the corner on the street they were on was empty. "People who don't believe don't get to see the true wonders of magic." I took a step back. "So you won't show me more magic? That's cool, yeah no that's fine" I frown, I might have been just a tiny bit curious to see more tricks, and how he does them. I look down at the ground, disappointed. When I look up again, of course Harrison had to be staring at me. "But it just occurred to me how strange you are Y/N. You say that you don't believe, but yet your the only one left of the crowd that stayed." I blush, I look around, everyone was gone. "You know maybe I'll just go then--" Just as I was about to leave, Harrison calls out to me, "No! Wait!"

"Yeah?" I say, a bit curious to what else Harrison could possibly have to say to me. "Maybe I could show you one trick. A special one in fact!" He places the folded up table against the brick wall that was nearby and walks up to me. "Watch closely." He holds up both of his hands. They were slim and long. With a sort of wave motion, he makes a dove appear. I gasp, how could he have possibly done that? "W-wha-how?" I manage to say, but he hushes me. He snaps his fingers gently and the dove duplicates, and the other one seemed to appear out of nowhere. I had to be honest, seeing that made me believe in magic for just a little bit. It made me smile, "I have to admit. This is amazing." Harrison chuckles.

"This trick truly never fails me." I tilt my head, "Making two doves appear out of no where?"



"It was making a skeptic believe."

I groan, was he serious? "Are you fucking kidding me? Was that just a normal trick? Just what is your deal?!--" Harrison holds up his arms in front of his body, trying to defend himself, "You know I usually do this trick in front of people, you know to show them how foolish the person looks afterwards. But, with you I think it's different." I roll my eyes, I was embarrassed, doesn't he see my face? It was probably bright red by now, "Why was it different, Harrison?"

Harrison thinks about it, "I don't think I'm honestly sure about that actually." He chuckles, "But you believe in magic now? Do you not?" I nod my head slowly, "Yeah sure, whatever." Harrison frowns, "I'm not sure I heard you over there."

"Yes! Okay I believe in magic!" I say looking up at Harrison. He was smiling. "Now maybe I can show you better tricks." I groan, "Do you really think I want to see---" I stop myself, and stare at Harrison for a little longer, he seemed actually eager to show me more tricks. "You know what? Show me what you got." I chuckle.

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