Neil x Reader

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Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck god damnit! I mentally yell. Okay, maybe I let a few words slip out of my mouth, but there is good reason for it. The rain. I fucking hate the rain. The whole wet thing never really got with me. Also, I forgot my umbrella. I was stuck at work, in the laboratory, a little wet from the rain, and nothing else. I'm pretty sure everyone left the building. There were a few more lights on, but that was for the janitor. I think.

I feel the stickiness of the cloth on my skin and immediately cringe. I needed to find some way to dry off. I wipe my shoes off with the rug, and walk further into the building to find someway to dry off. The bathroom!

I run to get to the bathroom which was at the end of the long hallway. I make my way there and find the hand dryers. I look around to make sure no one was watching, and hope. Hopefully this idea of mine won't backfire.

It totally backfired.

I didn't dry up at all. My clothes were still soaking wet. I wander around the office area of the lab. A few long minutes have passed, and the lights were still on. "Is anyone here?" I say.

"Present." A voice belonging to a very familiar face replied. I looked into his office and see him, Neil. "Oh Neil. You're still here?" He nods, "Well, you see me here don't you?" I roll my eyes, why is he being salty?

He had his lab coat on, and goggles hanging by his neck. "Got caught up in the rain Y/N?" He says walking back into his office. As if I'd follow him back.

I follow him back. It was getting creepily silent in the hallway. "Yeah. No umbrella. Just gonna stay here till the rain stops." I say taking a chair and sitting on it. He sat in front of his computer, typing up something, "Well it says it'll continue to rain overnight."

"Then I'll stay here until it doesn't rain as much!" I say. He leans back in his desk chair, "Well. There's no need to get pissy Y/N. At least you're not alone." I frown, and he notices it. "Is there a problem with both of us together? Alone?" He smiles. I look at him seriously, and nod. He looked genuinely hurt and scoffs. "Alright. Alright. I guess I deserved that. I am sorry" There were papers in front of his desk, I noticed them just as soon as he started fixing them up. probably research papers. "I know this might not be my place to ask this but, what are you working on? It seems far more interesting than our cell growth research we're doing under Markowitz' wing. Neil looks up from the papers, "Oh? They're for a personal project. I'm doing this for a friend." Is this why he stayed so late? 

"He's a magician. And he made a few things disappear, so I'm trying to help him out the best I can." I raised a brow, "A magician huh? Never thought of you as the insane scientist type Neil." He smiles, "I didn't believe it so at first. but after him showing me.." He shudders, "What he can do with his magic. I can, not very scientifically prove that he is indeed." 

"A magic man." 

"A wizard." 

I look at him, and he looks at me, "Magic man isn't a very exciting name to give people." 

"Wizard does make more sense.." He says the ends of his sentence fading away as he goes back to his computer. "Is this what you do after work hours then? Stay here to use the lab and the computers to help your friend. That's. That's..." 

"Illegal. I know." He says.

I frown, never knew it was illegal but that didn't matter, "What I was going to say was sweet. never pegged you as the type of guy to do that." Neil smiles, "Well thanks Y/N. Don't report me to anyone okay? Most people think I stay at work to help with the companies own projects." I smiles, "Sure can do." I look behind Neil and see the rain not clearing up. I groan, "When is the rain ever going to end?" 

Neil sigh, "The forecast hasn't changed Y/N, it's still going to rain overnight." 

A silence comes between us. I speak up, "Well, at least we got each others company right?" 

Neil looks up, "Yeah. Maybe you can help me with this?" 

I nod, "Yes what is it?" I get up from the chair and walk over to Neil. "Are you seriously asking wiki, and yahoo answers?" 

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