Reader x ???

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I saw the young man in the university's library. He seemed to be very deeply indulged in the book he was reading. He had his bag slung over the wooden chair he was sitting on and was wearing a bright red flannel. I did find him cute, so I took it upon myself to go up and talk---actually not talk. Maybe I could just sit next to him, maybe a couple chairs away. I did have a few book reports to do. I had my bag thrown onto the chair, "Um. Excuse me, but could you watch my bag for a while? I just need to find a book." He glances up at me, still not moving his head. It was sad. I couldn't get a clear view of his face.

"Yeah." He says quickly.

I smile and go off to get the books I needed. I come back to see the man still in the same position. Head down, shoulders; slouched, and eyes moving quickly along the pages of the book he was reading. I placed my books on the long table us two were sharing. I place my bag on the floor of the library, and get comfortable. I take a seat, and continue staring at the man. Something about him was just intriguing. "So, uh. What are you reading?" I decided to make small talk. Not the smartest idea with the book reports being due in two weeks, but hell. This guy was cute.

His eyes then seemed to spark. "W-well, I'm reading this book by Arthur Cozart. He writes theory's on space and the galaxy you know?" I smile, "Well, that's interesting." He finally moves his head to face me, "You really think so?"

I finally saw his full face. He had bright blue eyes, and short black hair. It was really curly at the front. "Yeah! Definitely. Now tell me more!" His voice seemed to go up in pitch as I said that, "Alright! So, it starts off talking about Pluto..."

He goes on and on about the planets and the theories that surround them. He was so passionate about all this space stuff. "Hey, what classes are you taking? You should become an astronomer or something!" I smile, truly believing that he could do it. His knowledge on the subject was far superb than anyone I knew. Well, of course I don't know much people with an interest in space as he does. He smiles, glancing at his watch "Engineering, Bio and Physical science, and mathematics." I drop my jaw, "Wow, you're aiming high aren't you?" He shrugs, "Well, I'm not going to be taking those all at once." I chuckle, "Yeah, that's true." He stuffs the book in his bag, and he was frowning, "And I'm not going to be an Astronomer. I'm aiming for something much more adventurous." He stands up, making me look up at him. He was tall.

"And what exactly is that?"

"An astronaut."

"Well future astronaut. What's your name?"

Before he can say it, his watch alarm rings. "Oh damn it! I gotta catch up on something. But uh..." he grabs a piece of paper and a pen and begins writing on it. "Here. Call me." He hands me the paper and runs out of the library, "Well, let's talk!"

(This short one is to make up for the sin that was happening in the last chapter. If you haven't guessed it, this is a Space Kid x Reader fanfic. Now please comment some more requests! And if you like something in the story please tell me so I can incorporate it into future stories. Thank you! )

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