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It was cold that night, the wind wouldn't stop blowing through the small cracks at my window frame. Sending sheets of homework flying, it got so bad that I had to pile books on top of them to hold it down. I went to try and shut my window some more, hoping that that would keep out the cold. But as I got closer to the glass, I noticed the window next door turn the light on. Behind it was a tall boy, who seemed to be doing the same as me with his window. He chuckled a little when he realised the two of us where both struggling.

Above the noise of the storm that had thrown itself into our town, he called out to me.
"Rough weather huh!"
"Yeah, not usual for round here!" I called back.
"I wouldn't know! I'm new."

Just as he said that there was a loud crack of thunder and the streetlights, along with all the lights in my house went out. I let out a little shriek of surprise as I was plunged into darkness.
"You alright?" His deep voice called out again.
"Fine. My power just went out that's all."
"Mines still on, you wanna bring your family over here."
"I'm on my own at the moment."
"Come over then, will be better than being alone in the dark."
"Okay. Give me a minute."

I took my phone even though it was nearly dead and grabbed a jacket, running through the rain to get to the mystery boys house as fast as possible. I rang the doorbell and shivered as I waited.

"Hello!!" A woman's voice sung. "You must be the girl from next door, Daniel told me you were coming. Poor thing, come inside it's horrible out here." She gave me a towel to dry my already soaking self.
"Thank you."
"Niel didn't mention your name sorry."
"Oh, uh it's y/n."
"That's beautiful."
"Thanks. You're so kind for letting me stay here."

Daniel, who I presumed was the boy from the window, walked into the front room after hearing my name.
"Y/n, mum it's alright I'll look after her now."
"What a gentleman my son is." I giggled as she pinched his cheeks and waved to me before disappearing.

"I put the radiator on in my room so you can get warm up there if you want." I nodded. Still a bit awkward around him.

"Where dreams are made." Daniel joked opening the door to his room.
"Wow. This is impressive!" Inside were rows of keyboards and mixing desks. "Are you a dj?"
"Mostly just make my own music."
"Cool. You any good."
"You warm up, I'll find something decent to play."

I wrapped myself in a blanket and sat on his bed as the boy sat at the desk, tapping away at the computer. This gave me the chance to take a good look at his room, and all the pictures scattered along his wall. He seemed to have a big group of friends, that seemed close to him as they were in every picture that he had up.

"Ready?" He asked, breaking me from my nosey trance.

A song began playing, it was slow first and a soft voice began singing. Along with a few different singers after. Then the beat picked up into a catchy rhythm. At the chorus I heard his quietly sing along to the words.

"Is this you?" I asked. He smiled to himself before turning more to me.
"No, the other members are better singers. I rap mainly."
"Members? You're in a band?"
"Yeah, were not actually debuted yet but this is our first song!"
"Wow. I guess I got an exclusive."
"You must be special then." He smiled before turning off the song and turning to face me properly.

"Wanna watch a movie?" I nodded, he set up the TV and sat next to me on the bed. Propping up pillows behind me, "you can relax if you want." I leant back only to realise that his arm was behind me. But Daniel just shifted me closer to his body with a silent smile. My eyes soon got tired, and I swear as I drifted off I heard him whisper.
"You're something special y/n."


I must've fallen asleep because when I woke up, Daniel was still holding me and the two of us were cuddled up underneath the duvet of his bed. His face was so peaceful, I just couldn't bear to wake him then. So decided just to leave him until the morning, that way I would enjoy a little longer in his arms.

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