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Our whole team sat around, Daniel to my left and Jaehwan to my right. It was late at night, and they had been out fighting the rival gangs all day and were now laying around in our basement.

There was a crash upstairs in the main house, and the door to the basement flew open. We all turned, woken by the sound and saw a figure stumble down the wooden steps. Daniel reached for his gun but kept it behind his back. We'd been tense lately at the growth of our main rival gang. As the figure came into the light we all sighed, seeing that it was only Seongwoo. But in his arms he held the body of a girl. We all groaned, he'd brought another one in.

There had been a few times Seongwoo had wanted to save bodies, but a lot of the time they were dead before he reached the house. This girl had blood rushing down her neck but still breathed in spaced out, raspy coughs. He placed her on the metal medical table we had for emergencies, he began shouting.

"GET DAEHWI QUICK!" the room was suddenly flared into panic as the medic of our group appeared and began trying to bring her back. Her chest had been stabbed and she'd hit her head.

"Seongwoo, you can't keep doing this. It's dangerous letting anyone down here, someone could've followed you."
"She knows something, about VKO I know it" I overheard their conversation in the corner of the room as I passed equipment to the man who sweated over the girls body.


A day passed and she finally woke, But was kept away from everyone so that Daniel and Seongwoo could ask her questions about our main rivals VKO.


"You saw them didn't you?" The tall boy who had carried me sat beside his friend, a gentle look on his face. While the other one seemed to be quite agitated.
"I- I was alone, the alley where I walk home from work. That's where they were, I heard them talking about an attack on the YMC building in the centre of the city."
"Shit they know." The angry man growled to himself.
"Then- then they saw me... and chased me. I was left for dead until you came along. Thanks."


She sat on the sofa with us, while we lounged around. Waiting for a solution to hit one of us at least.

"why don't we just wait till they're all in there then blow it all up?" She said.
"Who even let her in here?" I asked. She frowned but went on.
"I mean, it would get rid of the situation like that." She snapped her fingers and stood up, rushing to the white board.

"Or... we attack early. When they're vulnerable, and take them down fast." She began scrawling pictures in red marker.
"VKO's will be crawling all over the place. They know us... we'd be recognised the second we set foot in that place. Even if the security wasn't already tight enough!"
"But they didn't get a good look at me, I could be anyone." Y/N was already running to the computers on the other side of the room. It was hard to keep up with her frantic movements but we followed her as she sat at the desk.

In a few clicks the whole ID list for YMC came up. She quickly pulled up the name of a client who had access to the main areas of the building.
"Here, this ones believable."  She grinned and changed the picture before saving the data and quickly printing out an ID for herself.

"How does she know this?"
"I can't fight, but I can get in and take down the security systems from within. That'll give you all enough time to get to the top."
"Then we can get the president right?"
"Yep, once he's gone there's only one person who can take over his role immediately."
"Wait... who?"
"My brother, who is conveniently terrified of me."
"So what?" I asked.
"I can get him to hand over to me, then your problems are solved."
"Why are you doing this?" Daniel asked.
"No reason..."


It was the night before we'd attack the YMC building, and I sat on the balcony overlooking the balcony. I heard a sigh behind me as I opened up my cigarette packet.
"Those will kill you, sooner or later." She said, coming to lean up against the railing beside me. She looked me in the eyes and took out her lighter, putting the flame up to my lips to light it up.
"But then again, this whole world can kill you." She lit one for herself and puffed out the smoke with relief.

I watched her, hair messy but somehow perfect as she sat down. Her legs swung over the edge between the bars.
"What's the deal with you y/n, you're the presidents daughter. You'll be in power one day anyway, but you still want him dead." I said, still staring at her face.
"You want the truth?" I nodded. "My Father was ashamed when I was born because he came from a male only family and was determined to let that legacy continue. So when I came along first he gave me up and threw me to an orphanage. No one even knows I exist in his life, except for me and my mother. She writes to me sometimes. But not even my dear brother knows the truth."
"I need him gone, and my brother. We went to school together for a while, him unknowing of course that we were related, and I was his bully. He is petrified of me."
"So that's it, revenge?"
"Bitter bitter revenge." She smirked and turned to face me.

"You're amazing." I found myself saying.
"If I die tomorrow Jihoon, let me at least kiss you now..." she didn't have to ask me twice. I just held onto her and kissed for all my worth. I couldn't let her die tomorrow, not now.

(A/N let me know if you want a part two to this bc I might do that acc)

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 30, 2017 ⏰

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