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I sat at the same table I had everyday for about 2 years, ever since I got bored of the school library. So next to the window along with my notes and favourite drink was where I would spend my time from when I got out of classes until closing. Everyday.


Bang bang

I lifted my head to see Woojin sat across the table his apron still on and cleaning rag thrown onto his side of the table. As my eyes adjusted I realised that once again I was the last person here.
"you fell asleep dummy."
"ugh why didn't you wake me earlier!"
"because I have an actual business to run y/n, rather than care for you 24/7." He huffed getting up and rolling his eyes, I began packing away my things when he returned seconds later.

"Drink this, I've already locked up anyway you may as well help me clean."
"Not a chance, I have a bed waiting for me at home."
"Do you want anymore after hours drinks, for FREE might I add." He added sternly.
"Fine." I grabbed a rag and began to wipe down the tables he hadn't got to yet.


Once we were done he sat with me while I finished my drink. Woojin, as much as he denies, looked after me well and was always watching over me while I studied. But we had never really gotten that close as friends.

"how's school?"
"awful, I'm falling behind as usual and Yuna constantly has people round now that's she's finished her exams so it's even harder to study at the flat."
"isn't she a bit weirded out that you're constantly here though, I mean I am!"
"Shut up! I just say I'm coming to see you. But now she thinks we're dating."
"I'm not surprised, people think we're married you spend so much time here."
"I have no where else to go."
"I know I know."

I looked down at my nearly empty mug, and let a single tear rush down my cheek.
"I had this perfect image of life, and here I am crying to you of all people in a coffee shop."
"Hey! What do you mean of all people?"
"Well we aren't exactly close are we..."
"Okay, that's it! I'm going to prove that we can be friends. Outside of you being here all the time."


Saturday morning I was rudely interrupted once again by Yuna while I was trying to ring my sister back home.
"Y/N!!" She cooed poking her head around the door. "Your boyfriends here..." her voice sounded musical but I only frowned.
"Woojin, y/n, your beloved Woojin is here."
"Oooh, I'll be out in a second."

I grabbed my bag and said goodbye to my sister before ending the call and going out the the front door where the boy was waiting.
"You ready?" He asked.
"I still don't see the point of this." I told him, shouting to my roommate that I was leaving.
"Have fun lovebirds!" Yuna shouted as I shuffled the boy out the door before he could hear anything else.


"where are we going?" I asked for the tenth time, but he refused to let me know.
"It's a surprise now be quiet!" I shook my head, smiling at his angry face. I squeezed his cheeks as he drove.
"Little cutie is angry awww."
"Stop it." He growled.
"Feisty boy!" I laughed, and he couldn't help cracking a smile then.


"Come onnn, let me see!" Woojin had his hands covering my eyes as he lead me to our mystery location.
"And ta-da!" He gave me back my sight, to reveal a three laned bowling alley. I stood silent for a second.
"Bowling?" He smiled excitedly.
"This is your grand surprise?"
"Private bowling though!"
"Well... you've brought this upon yourself?"
He looked confused as I leant down to pick up a ball, sending it down the lane where I got a strike. His confusion turned to regret.

"You're up against a champion Woojin."


"You so so so cheated!"
"Not a chance. I didn't realise it was your go."
"For the last time you do not get 4 go's in a row Woojin you dirty cheat!" I teased.

He walked me up to my front door, I turned round to face him.
"I'll admit, I had my doubts but today was actually fun."
"I told you, we're more alike than you think."

He smiled, the same smile he hadn't taken off his face all day. The smile that I see everyday.
Woojin leant down to me and gave me a small kiss on my cheek.

"I'll see you tomorrow, same time." He carried on smiling as he backed away leaving me stood in awe as I tried to process the events.

I went inside to Yuna stood on the other side of the door.
"About time he kissed you."
"What! YOU SAW?"
"We have a very good peephole on our door. Anyway, I told you he felt the same. You just had to spend more time together!"

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