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Daehwi had always been quiet, y/n knew that ever since they were kids he'd been a nervous person. But after the summer holidays things had taken a plummet for the boy.

He hadn't been to see her for weeks, and from the lack of response to her messages she presumed he'd turned his phone off. No one had seen him since the last day of school and y/n was worried about him. But she wasn't ready for the unrecognisable mess that was Daehwi when term began again.

His hair had gone from black to bright blonde, and his uniform looked baggy and oversized like he'd lost a lot of weight. The girl could barely see that it was her friend when he came into class that first morning. Like usual, he said nothing to anyone else and just sat down. But no one even noticed him, they just got on with their life.


I was used to no one looking, I was used to no one caring. That's just how it went for me. I could die and no one would notice, or even care. Because I'm Lee Daehwi, the boy who people may have seen once or twice in the hallway but never actually said hi to.

And no matter what happens, no matter how many pills I have to take every morning nothing ever changes. I'm no happier, people still don't notice me. And I'm still the same old depressed me.


Y/n waited for him to talk but days went by and they couldn't hold a conversation, he would constantly disappear between lessons and was just distant in general. More than usual.

She decided enough was enough and went to confront him one evening after school.


It was raining terribly, and there was talk of a storm all over the news. But y/n wasn't going to let herself be stopped by the weather, and trudged through the rain to her best friends house.

The lights were all off but she knew he was there, whenever it rained he would open his window so that the weird smell of damp could seep into his room. He'd always liked the smell of rain for some odd reason. That very bedroom window was cracked open, so y/n picked up a small stone and threw it towards the glass.

She missed but tried again, a small tapping noise echoing onto the street. In seconds a small face appeared at the window, but quickly disappeared.

"Dong ignore me lee daehwi! I can see you're there!" He appeared again, replying to the girl in a small voice.
"Come inside, and be quiet already!"
She smiled, a small sense of victory as she walked inside and up the stairs. Discarding of her wet umbrella as she walked through the house.

Daehwi's room had that smell, a mixture of rain and the smell of someone who hadn't left the room for weeks on end.

The boy in question was sat by his desk, shoving things into drawers and pushing them out of sight. Y/n just stood by the door waiting for him to notice her there. He shook a little when he saw her before him.

"what's wrong with you?" She asked bluntly. The boy just scoffed and sat back down by his window.
"why do you care? You didn't care before..."
"That's because nothing was wrong before."
"Did I tell you that. Did I ever say: y/n I'm perfectly stable and okay?"
"You could've. To me at least."
"No I couldn't. No one in this stupid place cares, not my parents, not anyone at school, not even you. YOU WERE MY BEST FRIEND AND YOU NEVER EVEN FUCKING TRIED TO CARE!" He screamed holding onto the ends of his hair.

I let him calm down before placing my hand on his shoulder. He didn't bother wiping the tear from his cheek when it rolled down. He just let go of everything.

"I would've helped. I want to now."
"I didn't know how to explain it to anyone, it barely makes sense to me let alone someone who has no clue anyway."
"We can both do it. Together yeah?"

He nodded, resting his head onto my shoulder as we sat in silence listening to the rain pattering on the glass.

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