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For precioushwi hope you enjoy lovely! X


My happiest moments were spent with Jinyoung, we had been together for nearly a year. But since he joined Wanna One most of our time was spent along with all the other boys too! I didn't mind all that much, I saw how happy he was to have finally debuted so I made sure to savour our moments together.

Over time I got closer with the other members too, and would often meet with Jihoon after his dance practice while waiting for Jinyoung. It was late one night, and he was showing me a new dance he had been practicing. But there was one bit he just couldn't quite get.

"Help me Aizlinn!" I stood up laughing at his desperate cry.
"Here, you need to keep your arm straighter so it slides like that."

He nodded, copying my actions before starting the song again.
"You dance now." He told me, getting into his starting position. I laughed as I did my best to remember how he'd moved the past couple of times he'd showed me.

As we finished I looked in the mirror, and saw that Jihoon's head was turned to face me. I went to ask him what he was looking at, but the second I moved he grabbed my face and kissed me. In the pure shock, it felt like Jinyoung. The way he'd held me and the way his lips moved against mine was almost identical to my real boyfriends'.

"Aizlinn?" A shocked voice said, I pushed away from Jihoon to see Jinyoung standing in the doorway confused.
"Jiny-" he stormed off, slamming the door before I could even call him back.

"I'm so sorry. I've fucked up."
"What the hell Jihoon, what were you thinking?" I shouted, directing my anger on him.
"It was selfish, I just didn't want to wait any longer. I really love you Aizlinn."
"This is no time for a confession Ji."

I ran out the door, grabbing my things and racing after Jinyoung who was already out in the car park.
"Wait! Please!" He carried on walking. "Jinyoung please! Let me explain!" I cried, the previous events really setting in as I felt tears roll down my face.

He turned, anger and sadness evident on his small face. I couldn't lose him, I'd never seen him this way but I hated it. It was all my fault.
"I'm sorry, I didn't want to kiss Jihoon. It was all a misunderstanding, we were dancing and then he wouldn't stop staring at me so I turned to ask him why and he jus-" He just sighed turning away again.

"Jinyoung! I don't want to lose you." I stuttered. "You mean everything to me, you know I'd never hurt you like this. Please."

"Do you know how it felt seeing him kiss you? It felt like all the worries and concerns and doubts I'd ever had about me not being good enough had come true. Like every time I'd cried because I was so scared of losing you was for a reason."

"I don't like Jihoon, I love you. I've always loved you and I always will. Jinyoung, I wouldn't be out here, crying and pouring my heart out if I didn't."

"And what about me. Should I cry too? Does that mean I'm serious?"

"You don't understand. I love you. You! And no one else, I don't want anyone but you please just try to understand!"

He ran his hands through his hair. And turned again. This time I ran up to his, and wrapped my arms around his crying into his back.
"Please. I can't lose you, you mean so much to me." I whispered.

I heard him whimper as he held my hand, I stood back a little as he faced me again. Still clinging onto my fingers, he sniffed holding back his sobs.
"Promise me. Anything that happened with Jihoon meant nothing, because I can't carry on with us if I'm in constant fear of him taking you away."
"I promise. I'm staying right here, with you always."
"I'm sorry for being angry Aizlinn."
"You never need to say sorry for anything, this is not you're fault."

He smiled weakly and pulled me into strangling hug.
"Can we go to your place? I don't feel like facing the others let alone Jihoon now."
"Of course, lets go home."

(I feel like this is so messy I'm so sorry precioushwi i hope you don't hate me forever now!)

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