Chapter 2

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Bella packed her backpack filled with her food, clothes and sleeping equipment for around 5 months, another lie she told her family.

Bella and Clarity then went off to begin their search for Bella's love.

They walked and walked. Bella didn't want to give up. She couldn't give up. She lost Karma once and she couldn't lose her again, that's why she kept walking for hours on end. Her legs ached from having no break in-between, not used to it all.

She was tired, thirty and hungry but she didn't dare stop. She needed to keep going, for Karma, for herself, for Clarity but she was getting puffed.

Bella felt it in her bones that she was close to the cliff in her dreams, she just needed to keeping pushing and that exactly what she did but disappointment struck her once she reached the cliff to find no one there but her.

It was empty and silent. The cliff had an amazing view, seeing all the city further ahead with a massive drop down onto sharp rocks and the ocean. If someone did jump off or fall like Karma did in Bellas dream they would die immediately with no chance of survival.

Anxious filled Bella. Was she too late? Did Karma die? Did she do everything she could do? Bella had so many questions to be answered but no one to answer them for her but herself and Clarity.

"Well she's dead." Clarity spoke so calmly not even knowing the truth, but she knew that it would get to Bella which it did of course. Bella paced back and forward.

"Why didn't she wait! She knew I was coming." Bella breathing picked up as she began having a panic attack while Clarity watched thinking she was a drama queen.

"I didn't fucking save her! She was right, I failed her." Bella was talking down to herself and Clarity couldn't handle the depressing shit she was saying.

"I don't know. She probably not dead." But Bella was sitting in the long grass, rocking her body back and forward, shaking her head violently.

"Stop being a drama queen, Karma said she wanted you to find her, right?" Bella nodded not making a sound. "Then she'll be here! She would never break a promise. You haven't even called out." Clarity said helping Bella for once. When Bella thought all hope was lost Clarity stepped in and gained hope in the young girls spirt.

So, Bella did what was told and stood, walking around to see if anyone was here, possible hiding or just walking up. With no luck Bella sighed.

"No! Don't do that. If she really did jump or fall or whatever you would still see her, the water wouldn't have got to her. Her dead body would be laying on the rocks." Clarity made a point. It would be impossible for Karmas body to disappear unless she moved to a different spot.

"Maybe call out?" Clarity felt weird for being nice and helping, she didn't have a plan but she truly knew what went down in the dream. Karma didn't want to be found and that's what made Clarity decide to help find her. She loved seeing people in pain so that's why she tagged along on this journey.

"Anyone here! You called, so I came!" Bella called out but the only reply she came across was silence.

Bella signed. "This is where I saw her last."

"She loved the chase. She wants people to follow her, to find her. You'll be letting her down if you give up."

"But where! I don't know where to look because this is the only place I saw her at!" Bella yelled.

"But that's what makes it so much more fun."

"It's not fun." Bella moaned like a little child.

"It's a game." Clarity said making Bellas eye sparkly. Bella loved games. "It's a massive game of hide and seek. Karma is hiding and you have to search for her then in the end once you find her your prize is her." Bella clapped her hands in excitement, glad to be playing this game.

"Now where do you think Karma would hide?" Clarity questioned while Bella thought of the places she would go.

"Skulduggery's house?" She said but made it more into a question.

"That's a start." Clarity spoke while Bella nodded, walking in the way of her old family house to search for her missing love there.

"I won't stop fighting or looking until you and I are happy"

"I'm not giving up. I will find you. I will love you. You will love me" Bella chanted running into the dark going to the next place she thought the beautiful girl would be at.... Skulduggery's place.

--------------------------------------------------------------------Hello again. Another chapter, another day. Been busy writing this  so comment what you think and vote please!! I would love that.

Question- What do season do you perfer? Winter? Summer? Spring? or Autumn? why do you like the season?

Vote and comment please!
See you all tomorrow.

All the love xx

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