Chapter 6

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Bella had finally arrived at the place she and Karma dreamed to live in which it looked like Karma followed the dream and was living in here. It was very early in the morning, Bella didnt know exactly what time but she didnt care, she was excited and all she wanted to do was see her baby and have her in Bellas arms.

She ran up to the wooden door, knocking on it, she waited for an answer. Bella hasn't been here since she was kicked out after the fight between the lovers, she didn't see herself coming back here but she did and it was all for Karma.

Everything she did was for Karma. She loved karma and although Karma doesn't love Bella as much anymore she will grow to love the dark hair girl like the old times.

Bella was more than happy to be at home again. This is home. Home is where the heart is and Bella's heart is where Karma is and Karma is here. Bella knew that, she could tell.

After a long minute Bella grew impatient and boredom took over. She took another step toward the door and knocked again only this time harder and faster. Once again, no answer came.

Bella was getting more anger as time passed on. Soon her head was spinning with ideas of breaking into the house but suddenly she heard a noise behind the door.

Looking up at the door to see if the knob was moving which it wasn't, to her disgust, she saw the peeping hole open. Moving closer to look through it she heard a gasped when a sad blue eye was seen in front of her.

"Karma, baby I'm back!" Bella sinful voice roared into the house sending chills down Karma's back.

"How could this be. This is my worst nightmare coming true" Karma thought putting the peeping hole down.

"Open up!" Bella yelled.

Karma took a big breath in then spun around running away from the door. She needed to hide, she couldn't be found by her. Karma didn't want to die.

She was warned by Blizzard that Bella might of knew where she was since Bella was at the Sanctuary looking for her lover and was asking questions that were strange to Blizzard for someone to ask and that Bella stormed out of the Sanctuary without any word and as fast as possible once she finished talking to the girl who just could never lie.

Karma was never mad at Blizzard, she saw that Bella was searching for her in her dreams. It didnt matter what Blizzard said or didnt say, Bella was smart and would have figured it out either way, Karma was just glad it was sooner rather than later.

"Great, you want me to be the bad guy, now I'm the bad guy" Bella kicked down the door looking around for the girl she had come to get.

"A game hey? Lets play. Your favourite game am I correct? Hide n seek." Bella spoke wickedly, looking at the house. It hadn't changed one bit which made Bellas stomach flutter. Bella was speechless, she didn't know what to say so all she did was admire the beautiful house until she remembered what she was here for Karma.

"Ready or not here I come" Bella whispered then went in search for her.

Bella walked around the lower half of the house, observing everything. She was star struck with how much it all looked the same. Bella walked into the kitchen checking all the cabinets, under every sink. She wasn't going to give up the search until Karma was found.

Bella started throwing things around in the room everywhere when she couldn't find her. The house was being turned upside down. It looked like a tornado had hit the once lovely home but it was only Bella.

She walked into every room of the lower part of the house destroying it, wrecking it, making a mess but Bella didn't care. All she cared about was finding Karma.

After realizing that Karma isn't down here and must be upstairs Bella mounted the stairs in search for her beloved. Again, she went into each room, exploring them in detail, turning it upside down.

Bella walked into the bathroom, it was the last room in the house she had checked so she knew Karma was in here plus she could feel Karma's eyes on her.

"Oh Karma, come out, come out from wherever you are" Bella voice filled the room.

"I know you're in here. I can't feel your presence" Bella started searching through everything, pulling things apart, throwing things across the room, breathing things. She could hear like gasps and cries every now and again and she knew exactly where Karma was but Bella loved having fun and playing games.

"I won't hurt you darling. No need to hide from me. I'm here to help. You weren't downstairs, I looked behind every door in every room of this god damn house. Every big place and every little place a person can fit in this tiny home. The only room I haven't checked is this room" Bella moved around the room, moving closer to Karma then away, tormenting the poor frighten girl.

Bella smiled opening the noisy bathroom door and then closed it once again tricking Karma into coming out, tricking her into think Bella had giving up.

"Found you" Bella spoke darkly, scaring Karma. "You'll be coming with me" Bella smirked cornering the small sad blue-eyed blonde.
Halfway through the book!!! 6 more chapters left. Wow! Hasn't it gone fast. I can't believe it

I'm so bored so I was like, why not!! So here it is. I'm planning on having Search completed by the first of August so there will be a lot more chapters coming out.

Question- favorite chapter so far? Favorite scene of the story?

I have put up the picture of Karma's house, well really it was Bella's too but anyway there you have it

I'll be updating tomorrow or sometime next week, so keep an eye out.

All the love
Madeline ❤️

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