Chapter 13

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Maggie POV.

I got my Carmel Lotte and sat at the table near the door to wait for Nash. 12:15. He should be here. Did he forget? I felt a nudge on my shoulder and looked behind. There he stood. My ex boyfriend, Logan.

"What are you doing here?" I asked turning back around.

"I miss you," he said sliding into the seat in front of me.

"Awe poor thing," I said sympathetically. He nodded his head and puffed out his bottom lip.

"Now leave!" I said pointing to the door behind me but hit something. I looked behind and saw Nash standing there.

"Am I interrupting something?" He asked looking at Logan.

"No, Logan was just leaving." I said with a smile.

"Who's this?" Logan asked.

"Nash, now leave!" I said getting angrier.

"Well Nash you better watch out this is my girlfriend," Logan said getting up.

"Ex girlfriend," I hissed.

"You really lost your mind, Maggie, you went for this?" Nash asked laughing and pointing at Logan.

"And what are you trying to say?" I asked getting up in front of him.

"I'm just saying you lowered your standards," he said.

"And your so high on the standards bar?" I snapped.

"Higher than this dude," Nash snapped.

"You better watch your mouth!" Logan said clenching his fist.

"Stay out of this!" I yelled.

"Fine I'll just leave before I knock this kid out," Logan said walking past us.

"Finally," I said. Nash chuckled at my comment.

"Look at us we're already fighting like we use to," I said.

"Can we start over?" Nash asked.

"Yeah," I smiled.

"Hi, I'm Nash!" Nash smiled holding out his hand.

"I'm Maggie!" I laughed and shook his hand. Nash got his coffee and sat down across from me.

"So, how's life been treating you?" Nash asked sipping his coffee.

"Pretty good, except the Logan part. How bout you?" I asked.

"Well I've been doing great! Got roles in movies and shows, have a wonderful home and girlfriend!" He smiled. My heart shattered when he said girlfriend.

"You have a girlfriend?" I asked.

"Yeah, it's been a year." He said. I put my head down. I should have known that he wouldn't wait for me.

"Maggie, I wasn't going to wait forever for you to come back around. I thought I lost you forever. When I saw you yesterday I got hope that maybe things could get better. But than I remembered that I had a girlfriend who I love dearly," he said.

"No, I understand." I said sipping my Lotte.

"I still love you, Maggie." He said after awhile of silence. I looked at him surprised.

"You do?" I asked.

"Yes, there hasn't been a day that went by that I didn't think of you and how I could of saved our relationship." He said not looking away from me once.

"Really? Me too. I couldn't get you out of my mind. Even when I was with Logan, none of his kisses felt like yours." I said.

"Same here. I never feel sparks with Crystal. Sometimes I wonder if I really love Crystal or if I'm trying to get rid of the pain of breaking up with you." He said.

"Remember that one night?" I asked referring to when we got the house to our selfs when we were younger.

"Never could forget it," Nash smiled.

"Have you done it with Crystal?" I asked.

"No, I couldn't do it with anyone else." He said. My heart skipped a beat. Am I really that special to him?

"Want to come back to my place to see my house?" Nash asked.

"Sure," I said with a smile. Lets hope Crystal isn't there.

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