Chapter 4

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"Dylan, we're leaving!" his mom called out to us a while later. We got off the swings and went inside. Everyone said their goodbyes and thank you's, telling mom how good of a cook she is and such. Dylan came up to me last and I hugged him goodnight. "Text me, okay?" I whispered. "Okay." He kissed my forehead, then unwrapped his arms from around my thin waist, and smiled. "Be careful." I told him when he was walking outside, noticing the heavy rain coming down.

"You guys are so cute."

"I should kill him." Austin and Matt said at the same time. I laughed and shook my head at them.

As I was dressing for bed, a text came through on my phone and I quickly slipped on Tristan's t-shirt which was so big on me that it hung down to my thighs. I climbed into bed without bothering to put on any pants. I found it more comfortable to sleep without them. I grabbed my phone from my nightstand and looked at the bright screen.

From: Lizzie
"We've got to hang out soon! Miss you! xxx"

I smiled at my only girl friend's text and quickly responded telling her that we should make plans for this weekend sometime. I picked up The Maze Runner from my nightstand and began to read from chapter two. Before I knew it, I was asleep.

The next morning, I woke up to someone shaking me softly. Groaning, I buried my face in my pillow. Three chuckles came from above me. "Gotta get up Kates!" Matt's voice came from above me. "Why?" I asked, the pillow muffling my words. "Cause we want to take you out for lunch!" Austin told me. I sat up quickly and threw my covers off. They laughed at me and sat on my bed as I went in my closet to grab clothes and got dressed.

I brushed my teeth and washed my face, then threw on a sky dress with white leggings, a golden heart locket that hung just between my breasts and gold stud earrings. Then I brushed my light brown hair and put it in a fishtail braid. I left my face all natural even though I hate the freckles on my nose, but I'm just going to lunch with my brothers so it's nothing to worry about.

"So what's the occasion?" I asked in the car. "What? We can't take our little sister out for lunch without there having to be some kind of occasion?" Austin asked. I laughed and said, "I guess you can." with a small smile. As we pulled into our favorite local cafe, my phone rang and Dylan's name popped up.


"Hey Katy."

"Hey Dylan! What's up?"

"I- I umm... I was wondering if you'd want to go to the carnival with me later?"
"Wait, like... like a date?" I blurted out and then mentally punched myself. "If that's what you want it to be." he responded boldly. Blushing, I nodded and then mentally punched myself again when I realized that he couldn't see me. My brothers were staring at me from all directions of the table. "Y- yeah that sounds great." I breathed, feeling my cheeks getting hotter. "Great. Pick you up at 5?"



"Bye Dylan."

"See you later."

It took everything in me to not scream when I hung up. He asked me on a date. A date. To the carnival. I've been wanting to go to the carnival since summer started. "Katy... are you sure that's a good idea?" Matt asked me. "Yes." I simply said. My brothers all exchanged worried glances. "Guys." I sighed. "Don't start today."

I honestly couldn't resist with the whole Maze Runner thing. I'm reading it now because I went to go see Divergent and the preview came up and I forced my sister to take me to Barnes and Noble to get it just because Dylan is in it. Of course, she loves him too, so we fangirled in the movie theater together.. well mostly me.

Have a nice day everyone(:

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