Chapter 9

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When I woke up, Dylan was soundly asleep and his arms were wrapped tightly around me. He's even more adorable when he sleeps. The realization hit me that this amazing boy was now my boyfriend and a huge smile spread across my face. I looked at my clock, realizing that it was morning. "Dyl..." I shook him lightly, trying to wake him up. "Dyl, wake up. It's morning and your parents are probably worried about you." I whispered in his ear. "Called them last night, told my dad I was sleeping on the couch." he mumbled, pulling me down to the bed again.


He opened his eyes and looked at me, a smile spreading across his face. "I could get used to waking up to your beauty every morning." he whispered. Heat took over my face and I knew I was blushing. He chuckled at me and kissed my nose which made me blush even harder. I stood up from the bed, trying to hide my face, but he was already looking at me in complete awe. He sat up and wrapped his arms around my waist, pulling me onto his lap. "I think it's adorable." he whispered into my ear before kissing my cheek and making me laugh.

I pulled myself away from him and went in my closet to grab some clothes to change into, eventually deciding on a halter top with some high waisted shorts. I took a quick shower, brushed my teeth and all of that good stuff before exiting the bathroom. "Do you want to shower? I'll steal some of my brothers' clothes for you if you want." I told Dylan, and he laughed. "No, thanks. I'll be going home in a bit anyways." He glanced at the clock. "Oh okay. Here, I'll make you some breakfast before you go." I grabbed his hand and led him downstairs and into the kitchen.

I started making him pancakes (with multiple objections from him of course), but as I was making them Austin came downstairs. "Hey sis, whatcha maki- whoa." His eyes widened when he saw Dylan sitting at the breakfast bar. "Katy? Why the fuck is he here at 11 am?" Austin asked me. I looked at him, annoyed. "We fell asleep last night." I explained. "Why was he here in the first place?" My brother pressed for more information annoyingly. "Because I didn't want to be home alone all night!" I raised my voice. Austin looked straight at Dylan and eyed him.

"Are you fucking my sister?"

"Austin!" I spun around to face my brother.

Dylan didn't look in the least bit taken by surprise as he said, "No. I have actual respect for her and I care about her a lot. I also don't "fuck" girls, I think that's disgusting." Dylan simply said without thought. Austin looked shocked at his response, but I smiled, knowing that he said the right thing. Austin walked straight up to Dylan and said something that I couldn't hear. My boyfriend nodded. "I will." was all I could make out of the conversation. My brother looked at me and gave me a small smile and a playful wink before leaving the kitchen.

I groaned and turned back to the stove. "What did he say to you?" I asked after a second or two. "Don't worry about it." He gave me a mysterious smile, but something in his voice told me that it really wasn't anything for me to worry about. "Fine." I sighed, and placed his first pancake on a plate. "You know you didn't have to make me breakfast, right?" he said for the fifth time. "Yes babe, I know." I didn't realize what I had said until I had already I said it, and when I realized it I froze. "Did you just call me babe?" I could just hear the smirk in his voice. I started blushing all over again.

   When Dylan realized that I was embarrassed, he got up and wrapped his arms around my waist. "I like it." he murmured, kissing my head. I giggled, still not taking my eyes off of the pancakes. "You're so warm." I closed my eyes for a moment and held his arms around my waist. My knees nearly went weak from his touch. "Why are you shaking?" Dylan asked, taking my free hand in his and squeezing it. "Because your touching me." I admitted softly. He didn't say anything, he just inhaled deeply and rocked me on my feet left and right.

"Your breakfast is ready." I told him as I moved the pan off the eye and turned the stove off. I pulled the syrup out for him and sat his plate down on the counter.

"Aren't you going to make some for yourself?" He looked at me as he sat down at the breakfast bar.

"No, I'll just get some cereal or something." I shrugged, opening the cabinet.

"Katy, you should eat this, I'll eat the cereal." He pushed the plate away.

"Oh Dylan, don't be silly. Eat your breakfast."

He sighed and hesitantly began to eat his pancakes when he saw that I was perfectly happy with my simple Lucky Charms. "These are good." He look impressed. "Thank you, I learned it from my mom. They're basically our family secret recipe. No one besides family has known it.  Ever." I explained, grinning. Dylan finished chewing before responding. "How long has it been in your family for?" he asked, seeming to savor every last bite. "I think my mom said that it started with my great grandmother." I answered. "So I guess it's been around for quite a while." I shrugged, never having thought about it before. Dylan nodded, seeming to be in deep thought about something.

"You okay?" I asked after finishing my Lucky Charms and seeing that he was still eating emotionlessly. He snapped out of his daze and looked at me quickly. "Yeah, just thinking." His voice sounded off, but I ignored it and just nodded. Dylan finished his food and decided that he should probably get home. I really didn't want him to go because having him near me made me so much happier. Sighing, I gave him a long hug to last me through the day. "I'll text you later." He kissed my forehead and I just closed my eyes, taking a deep breath full of his mesmerizing scent. "Okay." I sighed and stepped away from the front door.

Tristan came up behind me as I watched Dylan's car pull out through the window. "Have you told him? You know, about Adam?" He seemed to whisper the last word, but still the sound of it made me cringe like the sound of nails on a chalkboard. I turned to look up at my brother and felt his blue eyes drill into mine. "No. And I don't have to." My voice sounded colder than I meant for it to be so Tristan's eyes widened with surprise. "Katy, if you were my girlfriend I would want to know if your ex—"

"Shut up." I cut him off. "The past is in the past."

Why do they all think that what happened defines me now? I don't need to tell Dylan anything. It's the past, it shouldn't matter anymore. Tristan's jaw tightened and I could tell that he was getting angry. "There's no reason for me to tell him anything." I pushed past my brother. "Not like he can come around us any time soon anyway." I shuddered at the thought of him coming and lodging himself into my life again. "But what will happen when he can? What if he does?" My brother followed me into the kitchen, still urging. I didn't respond, only shook my head.

"Don't you think Dylan has the right to know? Don't you think he'd want to protect you from that..." he trailed off, hands shaking with fury. "that disgusting bastard?"

"There's nothing to protect me from anymore!" I yelled. My brother grabbed my arms, sending me into a flashback.

"I could take you right here. Right in front of the whole neighborhood. Would you want that baby?" His forehead,  which was rested on mine, was sticky from sweat and he smelled of alcohol and cigarettes. I shook my head. "You're drunk." I laughed, ignoring the fact that we were still minors and he shouldn't have been drinking anyway. He pushed me into the side of someone's truck and gripped my arms roughly. "Ow!" I gasped. "Adam, that hurts!" I squirmed. "What the fuck did you just say to me?" Rage burned in his eyes.

"I said you're drunk, Adam, let go!" I struggled to break free of his grasp.

His hand clamped around my neck, choking me. "You look so fucking sexy baby." He eyed my breasts and leaned down to kiss my neck. "Adam, you're scaring me!" I cried, still trying to break free. He let go of my neck, but still eyed me like I was his next meal. "We need to get you home." I softly said, rubbing my neck. "No, let's go to your place." His voice was thick and his words were slurring. He leaned down to kiss me, but I ducked away, not wanting to taste the alcohol on his lips. "Stop." I said, giving him a strict look. Then I took his hand and dragged him toward his car to drive him home.

I should have left him that night because things only got worse from there

Metal Chains {Dylan O'Brien}Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant