Chapter 15

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~ 3 days later ~

Tap, tap, tap, tap, tap, tap. "Katy, would you calm down?" Matt was laughing at me. "I can't help it Matt." I stopped tapping my foot, but started chewing my nails instead. Matt looked at me in disgust. "Get your fingers out of your mouth!" He slapped my hands away. "Why are you freaking out? It's only been four days." He took out his phone and checked the time. "I know, but I miss him." I explained, anxiously tapping my foot again. My brother gave me an annoyed look. That's when I saw Dylan, looking around for me with the same small suitcase dragging behind him.

Jumping up, I called out his name. His head snapped up in my direction and a huge grin spread across his face when he saw me running towards him at full speed. I jumped up, wrapping my legs around his waist, arms around his neck and pressing my lips to his. My legs had slid down to the floor again, but our kiss hadn't broken. It was as if we hadn't seen each other in months. It had only been four days, but it still felt like we were the only people in the world. Only when Matt had came up behind us and cleared his throat did I pull away, but instead of backing away completely I enveloped Dylan in a hug.

He quickly hugged me back, picking me up and spinning me around as he did so. "Gosh, I missed seeing your beauty everyday." Again he kissed me, letting his long fingers graze my cheek as his did. This kiss was shorter, but the emotion was just the same. "I missed you too." is all I said when he looked deep into my eyes with his thumb still grazing over my cheek. "I have so much to tell you." he told me. Instead of telling me though, he looked over my head at my brother, who he had just noticed was there. "We'll talk about it later." he whispered. "Is dinner okay?" His gorgeous eyes were still drilling into mine. I nodded, so he grinned and pecked my lips one more time before going to greet my brother.

Matt dropped Dylan and I off at Dylan's house and then he went home. Before we had even approached the door, it swung open and Mrs. O'Brien stood there grinning at us. Dylan greeted her with a sweet one armed hug because his fingers were intertwined with mine and he didn't want to let me go. "We have a congratulations gift for you." she said, leading us both inside.

Dylan didn't take surprises lightly, he hated all the trouble it brought to the people behind it all. We walked down a hallway with three or four doors and went down a flight of stairs to what I guessed was the basement. Dylan continued to insist that his parents had done enough for him, that whatever it was better not have costed a lot of money or required a lot of work. "What is it? You know you didn't have to get me anyth-" but he stopped short staring straight at what sat in front of him.

A brand new drum set.

I grinned, knowing that these drums were something that he had really wanted for almost a year now. Slowly, he stepped forward, letting go of my hand in the process. He then reached out and placed the opposite hand on the set as if he thought they were some sort of hologram. The look on his face was pure shock and disbelief. "These can't be real, there's got to be some kind of catch." He had circled around the set and was examining them, expecting to see dents or something, but these didn't have any. They were perfect, brand new drums, no charge.

"This is our way of saying congratulations, honey." Mrs. O'Brien had glanced at me when she said 'our', signifying that I was included and then she continued, "We are all so proud of you." she said. Dylan looked up and took three long strides to pull his mother into a huge hug. I just barely heard him whisper, "Thank you so much Mom." in her ear. "Alright enough of that, play something for us!" Mrs. O'Brien gave her son a small push toward his new drum set. He glanced back at it, and then to me as if asking for approval. I gave him an encouraging smile and then took at seat in the chair that sat a couple feet behind me.

Mrs. O'Brien and I watched as he began getting lost in the sound of his own music. And I got lost too for a while, taking only deep breaths and closing my eyes from time to time. Dylan stopped abruptly, or maybe the song did, I don't know. Anyways, he grinned as that same lightbulb popped up over his head like what I saw on that first night we met. Then he pointed his drum stick at me. "I'm gonna teach you how to play." he stated.

"What?" I objected, sitting up straight. "No! I'll break them!" I yelled in protest, but Dylan had already jogged over, grabbed my hand and was pulling me toward the drum set.

"You won't break them." He laughed as he reached down and grabbed the sticks. "Now you might break these, but," he shrugged, "who doesn't?"

Dylan placed me on the stool he had pulled up for himself earlier and stood behind me. I looked up and noticed that Mrs. O'Brien had somehow slipped out of the room and upstairs unnoticed. Dylan didn't seem to realize and if he did, he didn't think much of it. Or maybe he just wanted to be alone with me. His large, warm hands wrapped lightly around mine, guiding them to the proper places. I started banging randomly on the drums, making him laugh at me. "Is that good?" I asked jokingly. Again he laughed, "It is." with approval. I started banging on the drums again, sending Dylan into cute little giggles.

"You're a natural."

I continued to "play" for a little bit longer before looking at Dylan and saying, "I wanna learn a song." He looked surprised. "Really?" was his response. "Yeah, let's do it!" I gave him my huge toothy grin. "Well alright." He stood behind me and took my hands in his again. "First things first," he said into my ear, "Relax," and then his hands were on my shoulders, easing all the tension away. His touch sent shivers raging through my body.

Dylan and I spend almost an hour playing around on the drums before we both got hungry.  "We could order pizza." he suggested as we ran upstairs. As we reached the kitchen, he added, "And maybe watch a movie?" I gave him a huge smile. "Sounds good." I agreed, and then watched as he pulled out his phone and dialed up Dominos.

He ordered a large pepperoni pizza with bread sticks. Of course we planned on eating it all. He thanked the person on the other line and then hung up. "Twenty minutes." He jumped up on the counter and sat there, looking at me with an adorable smile pasted on his face. I giggled softly. "What?" I asked him, looking up at him through my eyelashes. "Nothing you're just..." he trailed off, seeming to get suddenly shy. I raised my eyebrows. For a moment he paused.

"You're just absolutely beautiful. I can't believe your mine."

"Well I am." I grabbed his hand. "All yours."

His fingertips grazed my cheek gently, carefully as he stared at my face. I grabbed his hand and held it to my cheek. "Dyl." I softly said, trying to snap him out of his trance. His eyes met mine. "Come here." I stood up from my seat and gently pulled him down from his seat and then wrapped my arms around him tightly, whispering sweet things into his ear. He just buried his face in my neck and we stayed like that for a while, with his arms around my waist and mine around his neck. As we were intertwined, he wrapped my 'Dylan' necklace around my neck again. I had almost forgotten that I had given it to him before he left.

We finally released each other when the doorbell rang, signifying that our pizza was here. He wasn't very quick to let me go, but when I gave him a small push he laughed and jogged over to the door. And then it seemed to take hours for us to find a movie to watch, but we agreed on a nice romantic comedy. We sat side by side eating pizza and giggling over jokes. It was sweet... and romantic in a unique way.

I must have fallen asleep because I was suddenly being pulled into consciousness. I nearly jumped up, checking the time on my phone and seeing that it was only 7:33. Sighing in relief, I looked over at Dylan. He was snoring softly through slightly parted lips and his hand rested on the crook of my back and the TV was showing a blue screen, meaning that the movie had already ended. A small rectangular light lit up next to him and buzzed — a phone, but he didn't budge. Curiosity got the best of me and I took a small peek at who it was from. My eyes adjusted just in time to see the words,

New Message from: Scarlet

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