Chapter 20

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The next week was terribly solemn in more ways than one. There was the only day that I could imagine being worse than the past week and that was the day of the funeral. Today. My heart was broken and I did not know if anyone could fix it, not even Dylan. Dad made it home about an hour after mom passed, and he pretended to be fine, but I think that he felt terrible for continuing to work after she was admitted to the hospital, even though it's what she would have wanted. Mom was always selfless in that way. Was.

"Katy? It's time to go."

I didn't turn around at first, only stood in the mirror looking at myself. I was wearing a black dress and black boots. My makeup was dark and dreary like the weather outside and like my feelings inside. My light brown hair was tied into a bun and out of my face. I regretted this hairstyle later because I don't want anyone to see me cry. Outside, the sky was gray and it was raining. I guess the universe knew that that day was a sad one and expressed its remorse for taking away my mother.

"I'm coming."

I turned away from the mirror and looked at my father, who's eyes had been red since that day, though I never saw him cry. I had a feeling that I would that day. After one final look in the mirror, I walked out of the room with my head down to avoid my father's eyes. My brothers  and Sarah waited for us in the living room, but none of us said a word as we walked outside and loaded into the limo. It reminded me of the night that I met Dylan, and Mom liked him right away. The whole family always liked him and I hoped he could say the same for me.

I missed him. Things would have been so much easier if I had his arms around me then. I missed his laugh, his eyes, everything about him. My chest hurt so much, and I wanted to scream but everyone was quiet and I was afraid of starting the emotional breakdown that we were all about to have. So, I pressed four fingers to my chest and inhaled deeply, trying to relieve the pain. It only made it worse.

The worst part of a funeral is when people come by and give the family their condolences. I didn't want anyone's stupid condolences, I wanted my mother back, and I wanted to be happy again. Condolences would do neither. When I can't bare to stand around while people smile in my face and give me fake hugs, I went around to the back of the church to look at the pond. The water was clear and it smelled like nature which was comforting. I sat on a tree stump and threw pebbles into the pond, getting so focused on the water that I didn't notice the sound of someone walking up behind me.

"I figured you would be back here."

I turned around without processing the sound of the voice. But then I saw him. Dylan. I jumped up and hugged him, crying into his chest. He's here. He's here for me. "You came." I said through my tears. I let go and looked up at him after a moment. "Of course I came. Just because we're..." he trailed off. I knew what he was going to say but hoped that he wouldn't. He inhaled and started again. "Just because things are complicated right now... it doesn't mean that I'm not here for you, Katy, you know that." he said. I just nodded because I wasn't sure I could manage a smile.

Things were silent between us, but it was comfortable. I stared at the ripples in the water as pebbles hit it and sank to the bottom. I missed how his lips felt on mine, but I guessed that we'd just be friends. I looked at him to find him staring at me. "Dylan." I said softly, and I stood up again and look up at him. "Katy, don't. Not right now." he said. I swallowed hard and nodded, but I craved his touch on my skin. I longed for his love and affection. I wanted to give all of myself to him. It wasn't fair. None of it was fair.

Sarah was looking for me around the front of the building. I could tell because of how her searching eyes found mine and she pointed to my brothers. Shocked to see Dylan, they looked at each other, exchanging words I couldn't hear. I was sure Sarah knew all about him. My brothers talked, Skyped, and texted her regularly so I knew that they'd mentioned plenty about me, how I was doing and anything going on in our house. Because of our age difference, Sarah and I were never that close.

When we reached my siblings, Dylan greeted her first. "Nice to finally meet you, but I am sorry for the circumstances." He shook her hand. Right away, I knew that she liked him. I wanted to grab his hand, but I didn't know if I could. Dylan stayed near me for the next ten minutes, but after that, it was time to go home. He volunteers to drive me with the lame excuse that we wanted to grab something to eat because we were both starving. However, eating is the last thing I could have done, everyone knew that. They agreed, but I think they know just as well as me that he just wanted to be alone with me so that we could talk.

The car ride was silent at first, but then Dylan sighed so I looked at him. "Dylan?" I said. He glanced at me and though for a moment, trying to figure out what to say. Finally, he spoke, "Can we just... go to my house? Hang out like we used to?" he asked. I didn't expect him to say that, but I agreed because I missed him so much. "I need your support right now." is all I said. A small smile twitcher at his lips, but disappeared just as fast as it flickered.

Dylan pulled into his driveway and parked. I noticed that his parents' car wasn't home and thought about asking where they are, but I didn't. Instead, I get out of the car and follow him inside. The house was really quiet, but I guess it must be because we were the only ones there. The silence was killing me though. Why were things so different now that we weren't a couple anymore? Was it just because we were  still in love with each other?



He turned to me, looking into my blue eyes. I looked at every feature of his face carefully and bit my bottom lip. "I can't do this anymore. I need to feel your lips on mine again." I blurted out. I didn't have time to regret it because because in a second, Dylan had taken two long strides toward me and smashed his lips onto mine. His arms were around my waist, pulling me as close as possible. I let those feelings rage through my whole body as his hands slid over my butt. He lifted my legs around his waist and pressed my back gently to the wall.

"God I missed you."

His voice was raspy and rough when he said it, and it sent chills shooting down my spine. "Yeah?" I looked up at him and bit my bottom lip teasingly. "Yeah." he murmured. My eyes lingered on his perfect lips, soft, pink, and already swollen from our kiss. The only sound between us was of our pounding hearts as Dylan pressed my hips against the wall. In an instant, his lips were against mine again, making my head tilt back because of his height. His fingers inched down my arms, where they had rested before, down to my waist. Tingles shot up my spine over the way that he kissed me, the way he touched me. I thought I would never feel either of those again.

Then my hand was lifting up and touching locks of his gorgeous brown hair, pulling him closer. I broke the kiss breathlessly and moved my hands to the jacket of his suit, pulling it off and throwing it somewhere as our lips connected again. And then he was leaving soft kisses down my neck, lingering on the spot that made me moan. "Make love to me." It came out like a whisper. He kissed my jaw, and then my chin, then my lips. "Is that what you want?" he whispered to me. I nodded and lifted my hand again to tangle my fingers in his hair. After a moment, I answered, "I want you." His lips parted slightly as he looked straight into my eyes.

"Are you sure?"

"I'm sure."

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