Chapter 10

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"Katy? Katy, are you okay?" Matt was in front of me now, pushing my hair out of my face. "Huh? Yeah, I'm..." I looked at my three brothers with confusion. "sorry." I finished, biting my lip and looking down. Matt pulled me into his arms and hugged me carefully. I forced a small reassuring smile. "I think I'm going to just go take a nap." I softly said, already heading toward the living room. My brothers exchanged worried glances and nodded.

Once I got upstairs, I collapsed on my bed with a heaving sigh. Should I tell Dylan about Adam? Tristan was right, he has the right to know. But what if he thinks I come with too much baggage? Oh, who are you kidding, Katy? He already knows you aren't telling him something, just tell him. No, you can't tell him, not yet. Well, you're going to have to tell him eventually, just get it over with.

After debating with myself for what felt like forever, I picked up my phone and called his number. "Hello?" his voice answered. Shit, did I just call him? What do I say? Oh no, oh no, oh no. "Hello?" he asked again when I didn't respond. "Yeah I'm here, sorry. I-I... Can we meet somewhere and... talk?"

There was silence over both sides of the line for about 3 seconds before he finally responded, "Yeah, of course. I'll pick you up in a little bit." I changed clothes and waited for his truck to pull up in my driveway. What do I say? What could I say to him? Soon enough, his car was in front of my house and he was hopping out looking adorable as usual. I pulled open the door before he knocked. "Hi beautiful." He leaned down and pecked my lips softly and carefully, lovingly. It sent shivers up and down my spine.

We arrived at a restaurant ten minutes later. "Oh Dylan, you don't have to-" but he cut me off. "Yes I do." he simply said and then got out of the car and circled around to open the door for me. Then he took hold of my hand and didn't let go, just like the night at the carnival. Even when we were sitting at the table, he held on to my hand tightly as if he were scared to let it go. "What would you like to drink?" our waitress asked, looking back and forth between the two of us. She had her blonde hair pulled back into a ponytail and a black headband to hold back loose strands. Her eyeliner and mascara were done to perfection and a dazzling smile of pearly white teeth showed through her glossy lips.

"Pepsi for me... Katy?" Dylan gave my hand a squeeze to snap me out of my trance. "Oh, um... raspberry tea, please?" I looked up at the girl and smiled. She kept looking at Dylan and I's intertwined fingers and smiling. "I'll be right back with those." Dylan smiled at her until she walked away and then looked at me, giving my hand another squeeze.

"What's going on Katy? You said you wanted to talk?" he asked

I looked down and took a huge breath. "I-I..." I knew what I wanted to say, but the words wouldn't come out. I took another deep breath before choking out what I wanted to say. "Two years ago, when I was sixteen, I had a boyfriend, Adam, that was... much older, and ready for much older things. He was abusive to me in so many ways and h-he umm... he forced me to have sex with him and-"

"Katy, you don't have to..."

I looked up and met his eyes which were full of pain, blinking back the burning tears in my eyes. "You're okay now, you're safe. You're safe with me. I would never hurt you like that. Ever." His voice was lowered. He paused and smiled at the waitress when she sat down our drinks.

"I know you wouldn't..." I picked up the conversation. "I just... It's a part of my past that I haven't moved on from, and as my boyfriend, Dylan, I just think that you deserve to know what goes on in my head." I explained, finally regaining my emotions. He nodded, understandingly.

"Thank you for telling me... and I'll always be here for you." He gave my hand a firm, reassuring squeeze.

"Are we ready to order?" The waitress was back.

Dylan looked at me and chuckled at my expression before ordering something for the both of us. The waitress scribbled on her notepad, took our menus and told us that she'd be back with our orders soon. "I'm going to go to the bathroom, I'll be right back." he said after moment. I nodded and took a sip of my drink. Coldness washed over my body when he let go of my hand, making me shiver. I bit my lip, feeling like it had just dropped 30 degrees in here. The waitress came back with refills and noticed that Dylan was gone.

"You know, you're really lucky." she said, "That guy looks at you like you're pure gold... and he wouldn't even let go of your hand. I wish every girl had someone that loves her like he loves you. Don't lose that."

Dylan came back after what felt like a long time but really was only about 2 minutes. I must have been shivering because Dylan asked, "Are you cold?" with an adorable look of concern on his face. "I'm fine." I told him, smiling halfheartedly. He looked up, realizing there was an air vent right above us blasting out cool air and then looked back to me. "Here." He scooted back his chair and stood up. "Dylan, what are y-"

"Don't lie to me, babe. I know you're freezing."

He placed his large jacket over my shoulders and kissed my cheek, making me blush uncontrollably. The elderly couple at the table next to us were staring in complete awe, and so were some of the waitresses. Obviously they saw something that we didn't, but Dylan didn't seem to notice, he was only paying attention to me.

This is like the shortest chapter ever, sorry! I just felt like you guys would want something.

Metal Chains {Dylan O'Brien}Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora