Chapter 24

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As he stared up at me, I felt pressure build in my chest. The only thought going through my head was that I couldn't. I couldn't get married, not then, not the way that things were with him. Everything began to spin and I blinked hard, trying to focus my eyes on something. Not there, not then. I couldn't, I couldn't do this. The thought became clear as day to me that I might have been about to faint. My eyes darted around the room, trying to find something to grab on to. As the room began to dim, my hand reached out instinctively for the wall as I felt myself falling.

I woke up hours later to the steady sound of beeping. The ceiling was blurry at first but began to slowly come into focus. Even though my head felt heavy, I turned it to one side to look around my room. My dad was there with my brothers and... Dylan. They were all sleeping. When I saw Dylan, the beeping quickened along with my heart, waking up Tristan. "Katy..." he whispered into the darkness. "Are you awake?" I tried to respond but my voice didn't work so I just groaned in response. I heard him standing and then his face came into view, bruised under the cheek and eye.

"How are you feeling?"

"Fine, but... what happened?"

The sun was peeking up through the curtains and I could see everyone beginning to stir. He looked back and lowered his voice when he saw Dylan waking. "I think that's something you and Dylan need to talk about... alone." he answered, looking at the wall on the other side of the room. I tried to sit up but my body felt weak so I rested my head against the pillow again. "What do you mean?" My voice shook when I spoke, but I didn't feel as afraid as I sounded. He knew that I knew what he meant and smiled reassuringly.

"You're okay Katy, I promise. Just try to get some more rest and we'll all be here when you wake up." said my brother.

The next time I woke up, the sun was shining brightly through the window. Everyone was in the same spot as before. I stirred a little and watched them clicking away on their phones or watching the small TV on the wall. "Guys?" I whispered. My voice sounded much weaker then, making myself wonder how long I'd been out. Why? My dad, who was sitting closest to the bed I was in, looked at me first. "You're awake!" Everyone was jumping up at once and hugging me at once, but I could only look at Dylan. He asked me to marry him. He wanted to marry me. He wanted to spend his life with me, he wanted to deal with me until the end of our lives. Him. Dylan O'Brien, the most amazing guy I had ever met.

As if on cue, everyone looked at him and then back to me. "I'm actually getting quite hungry, I think I'll go pick up some food now." Austin said, failing to be subtle. "Yeah, I'll come with you, you know, you'll probably need help carrying shit or whatever." Tristan mumbled, taking the hint. "Yeah, and I need to stop by home to pick up some things." My father said. Matt sighed and rolled his eyes when everyone stared at him. "I guess I'll go with you." he said. I giggled a bit and slowly sat up in bed. Everyone hugged me and hurried out of the room. I was left alone with Dylan.

Everything was silent at first, only the sound of the heart monitor beeping to the rhythm of my heart. Dylan stepped forward and slowly leaned in to kiss my forehead. "I'm sorry Katy." was all he said. I could smell his comforting scent from how close he was to me. "For what?" I look up at him when he leaned away from me and sighed. He paced away from the bed and ran a hand through his hair without answering. "Dylan? Why are you apologizing?" I urged, feeling and hearing my heart rate quicken.

"Damn it... for everything. I'm sorry for everything."

"Dyl, what are you—"

"I didn't know what I put you through, Katy, I didn't know you would be in so much pain if I left. But when I called your brothers... and my god, they were all so angry with me." he pauses. "Matt told me that you took pills and it scared the hell out of me. I didn't know this would happen, I didn't know you'd..."

"What are you talking about, Dyl? You aren't making any sense!"

"I... I called your brothers. We all met up at that little cafe where you told me about Adam. I- I asked them for a favor, to bring you to the awards so that I could see you, but they thought I was crazy, Matt especially. They never wanted you near me again, not after how bad I hurt you. They... told me about how Matt suspected you were taking pills... and that's when I knew for sure that I would die to protect you. I wouldn't be able to live with myself if something happened to you when I could help it. I can't live without you and I need you in my life for the rest of my life, s-so I bought the ring and..." he trails off.

For the millionth time, Dylan had left me speechless. No one had ever said anything like that to me before. Suddenly, I felt a great reassurance, like a weight had been lifted off of my shoulders. I felt as though my heart could have grown wings and soared right into his arms again but instead I began to cry out of nothing but happiness. The tears were cold on my red hot cheeks but I didn't wipe them away, I just looked into Dylan's eyes and nodded. "Yes." I answered. He looked confused but hopeful as he asked, "Yes?" and I nodded again before finally wiping the tears away from my cheeks.

"Yes, Dylan. I will marry you."

Metal Chains {Dylan O'Brien}Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang