Chapter 25

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Months have passed and Dylan and I talk every single day. I'm slowly beginning to trust him again after all that we've been through. Right now, he's in Atlanta filming season two of Teen Wolf, and I'm so happy for him. He seems happy with what he's doing even though we miss each other a lot. We've visited each other at any chance we've gotten and it's working for us. I trust him, I do. Dylan may have hurt me in the past but his intentions were good.

"Katy Enderson?" a voice says from behind me.

I turn around, clutching my Starbucks coffee and squinting through my sunglasses. A young teenager, probably about fourteen or fifteen is standing in front of me. I look at her and realize that she must be a fan. "Yes, honey?" I ask, removing my sunglasses and looking down at her. She beams up at me and stutters out an answer, "Y-you're dating Dylan O'Brien, right? From Teen Wolf?" she asks. I giggle a little and nod. "Yes I am." I answer. She looks so mesmerized by my presence that I can't help but to laugh.

"Are you going to marry him?"

"I hope so."

"That's nice. You're lucky."

"I know. You will be too someday."

The girl thanks me for talking with her and walks away. That's the first time that has happened to me and I think it's so cute. I'm just me. I'm Katy, why would someone be mesmerized by me? The thought almost makes me laugh again, but I just smile to myself as I buy my groceries. I throw the bags into my trunk, hop into my car and drive to my new apartment. I'm not even unpacked yet, but I'm already stocking up the refrigerator of course. Food is love, food is life.

I walk inside the apartment, groaning because of how heavy the bags are, and kick the door shut behind me. I'm just about to start lugging them toward the kitchen when a voice scares the crap out of me. "Need help with those?" it says. I scream, drop them all over the floor, and spin around ready to punch. But that's when I see Dylan. My brain doesn't even process it until I'm already in his arms.

"What are you doing here? I thought you couldn't come back for two more weeks!" I say, with my face in his chest.

"I missed you too much to wait, pulled some strings and now I'm here."

I press my lips to his and kiss him. He grabs my waist, pulling my small body closer with every time our lips meet. "My god, I've missed you." I whisper to him, looking up into his brown eyes. They're shining with happiness as he looks down at me. "I missed you too." His warm, minty breath hits my lips when he speaks. My heart starts pounding so loudly that I know he would be able to hear it if we weren't both breathing so hard.

I back away and run a hand through my hair, inhaling deeply. "Help me with these." I whine, heaving one of the spilled grocery bags off of the ground. "Sure thing." he says, chuckling at me. He takes the bag from my hand and swoops the rest of them right off the ground effortlessly. I just stare at him as he carries them all into the kitchen, trailing behind him flabbergasted.

"I can't believe you're here, Dyl." I say as we're finishing putting away the groceries.

"I'm glad I came. I've missed you so much baby." He turns to me and grabs my waist.

I sigh softly and rest my head on his chest. I have never felt so happy to see anyone in my life. He makes me so, so happy and I missed him so much. "I've missed you too Dylan." His lips are on mine again and he presses my back against the wall. I softly groan against his lips and sigh dreamily. How did I get so lucky? I can't believe someone like him could ever love me. But he does. He loves me over every girl in the world, and that is why I'm marrying him.

Metal Chains {Dylan O'Brien}Where stories live. Discover now