Twisted Tale File #1: Annabeth Chase

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EARTHQUAKE BY THE USED IS THE SONG- It kind of describes Annabeth's beginning and also the feelings she develops later with.... someone ;)

I bring the freshly lit cigarette to my lips and take a long drag as I prepare the needle, my arm itching with anticipation for my sustenance. I grab the temptatious cocktail resting on my bedside table and jab the needle through the top of the vial, sweeping up the sweet nectar. It’s ready. One week was too long. I thrust the tip into my forearm and inject. The veil sweeps over my brain, the heroin masking my thoughts and giving way to pure pleasure. Time to sit back and fall into the void of oblivion.

I lean my head back against the cold brick building wall looking up at the stars as my thoughts dulled into nothing. I took another drag and blow the smoke out slowly all the while watching the brown snake in front of my face. I close my eyes sinking deeper into my high when the tears start. What have I done, I think, I’ve screwed up again. I replay what happened in my head where the trickle of tears turn into breath-taking sobs. The pain. He hurt me more than the others usually do. I grasp at my wrists and rub the bruises starting to appear. They are nothing compared to the rest. The pleasure. His hands snaked across my body tracing a knowing path, leaving goose bumps in its wake. I want him to stop but at the same time i didn’t.

“Why,” I scream towards the sky. “Why must you do this to me? Every time you torture me like this.” I can’t control the sobs anymore, they come out on their own accord.

“Because he’s mine,” came from above. The response startled me and if I had not been holding onto the railing I would have fallen.

Maybe it was an illusion. I was high. I’ve heard many voices before. But none of them were so familiar to me, and as I’ve only heard this voice a few times, it’s my worst nightmares. This voice haunted me, there was no escape, not even a drug-induced haze could hide me away.

I leaned forward a bit over the edge holding tight to the railing as I looked over the edge of the building. Below me were the busy New York City streets, The sidewalks full of people and roads blocked up with traffic. No, there was an escape. One that I had been too afraid to attempt before. I never feared slitting my wrists open and watching the crimson liquid pour from my wrists, never had I thought twice about getting higher than a shooting star. But even now I was having second thoughts, Suicide… Was that truly the only way out?

“ Of course it is little Annie,” I heard and I turned my head to look behind me so quickly I’m surprised I didn’t snap my neck.

Standing in front of me was myself, an illusion created by the drugs no doubt. But it was so life-like, almost like I was looking in a mirror. My double shook her head as if she was dismissing a thought before looking me dead in the eyes. There I could see disappointment.

“Poor little Annie, you're the daughter of Athena Goddess of wisdom, yet here you are higher than the empire state building and about to throw your life away,” She mocks stepping closer until she’s in my face.

“I always knew you were weak but suicide, so cliche.” She laughs wickedly before containing herself and giving me a deadpan stare.

“Well do it already!” she yells impatient now balling her fists as though she would attack me if I didn’t jump.

“It’s your only escape, so what are you waiting for?” she questions raising her voice at me. “You can’t do it can you? You’re too weak to even jump off a building,” she taunts.

I had enough at that point, I had balled my own fists and sloppily swung for her jaw to shut her up. But my fist passed right through her figure and before my eyes I watched the mirage fade away. I had also come to realize I had let go of the railing keeping me safe, I flinched and reached for it again but I had already fallen too far from the edge.

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