10) Behind Closed Doors *Nico*

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First of all, let me say pardon all the swearing XD, it just kinds happened. I was channeling my inner "Panic" if I may say. (She's going to kill me for that, but oh well.) Enjoy! - Life


“Nico!” Percy screamed. Reaching out, I try to grab his hand but I just can’t reach. Damn these short-ass arms is all I can think. Well, until I hit the ground.

“Ow,” I groan. “Stupid rocks, stupid earth, stupid vampire. Why am I always the one this happens to.” Not even bothering to get up, I decide what the hell, why not continue my rant. “Do I look like my name’s fucking Daphne, for Hade’s sake.”

“Your hair isn’t quite orange, but you seem to be just as feisty,” a voice calls out to me. Surprise runs through me and I grab for my sword. All I feel is the handle and some shards. I barely register the cuts on my hand as I pull what’s left of sword into my lap. This can’t be happening.

“Motherfucking shit,” I whisper. This was my only tie to the others, and my fat ass just had to break it. Stygian iron is so unreliable. “Fourth one this year, I hope Percy has my last spare.”

“Who needs a sword or any kind of weapon, when you’re in the wonderful Pokemon world?” The voice is back. “Welcome to the Kanto region!” Tilting my head backwards, not two inches from my face is a cheery-faced man in a white lab coat. Shielding my eyes, I can make out the creases in his face and a shock of gray hair.

“I kind of need it to fight the monsters that won’t give up on my booty,” I explain, “Sorry pops.”

“Who are you calling pops, young man?” he chuckles. “Watch this,” he calls while running across the field. Huh, so I landed in a field. Waving his arms around, he gets a running start and continues to do a gymnastics routine across the grassy meadow. Not knowing what to say, I just clap my hands as he runs back to me, olive skin tinted red. “I haven’t done that in forever.”

“You’re one… cheery old man”

“And you’re one clumsy young man,” his bantering makes me feel comfortable. Why do I feel like I’ve seen him before? “By the way, I’m guessing you don’t remember me. I mean, you were one of the few people who tried to kill that… mutt.”

“What are you talking about, the only mutt we have are our hellhounds, and those are my father’s beasts.” Something doesn’t feel right. Why can’t I remember who he is?!

“Not those mutts. I’m talking about the one who escaped Kanto and found its way into the hands of… that girl in the red cloak. She’s ruining everything, so maybe I can ruin everything for her. We already have her precious Annabeth, so you’ll be the bonus,” his face warps into one with malice and I don’t even know why the fuck he’s pulling out a syringe.

“Calm down!” I yell at him. “Don’t any closer with that fucking needle or so help me I’ll open up the earth to swallow you!” I try doing just that, but all that comes up is faded smoke and I pale. This isn’t my homeland, how can I summon the undead Greek soldiers I need?

“Who says I need to do the dirty work?” the man asks. “This professor just so happens to have every pokemon within reach. GO, SPEAROW!”

“What the hell is a poke- uff,” I get thrown up against the rough bark of a tree. Something jabs me in stomach and I beat at…. feathers. “Get off of me you stupid bird thing that has a really sharp beak and dfigidwhfOS,” english fails me as a black mist covers my eyes. “Who are you,” I whisper, everything suddenly fading away.

“Many know me as Professor Oak, but you can just call me Professor,” his cackling is the last thing I hear before I’m submerged in the darkness of unconsciousness.

Ringing hits my ears and I groan, wondering what the hell everyone else is doing and why there’s so much noise.

“Percy,” I groan. Feeling around me, surprise hits me as I can’t feel my boytoy and why I’m on a metal floor, not a canvas one. “Percy,” I say loudly. Opening my eyes does no help for wherever I am is pitch black.

“Hey, he finally wakes up.” a voice taunts, “and here we thought you’d sleep for the whole two weeks, but enough time has passed for the plan to go into effect.” I turn on my hands and knees and try to figure out who’s talking.

“What plan?”

“To destroy you all, of course,” the man’s chuckling is musical, but it gives off no pleasure. “Red didn’t tell you what’s going on? She and I go back, but she was always ‘Puck, you can’t do that, it’ll hurt you’ or ‘Wait for me Puck, I’ll be back soon’.” He sighs, “she never did come back. Not since she hooked up with that bitch.”

Wait,” I gasp,” you’re Puck? Where the fuck is Annabeth?” I try to run at the sound of his voice, but pain runs down the side of my head and across my neck. Choking against the pain, I curl up and feel a wait hit my back.

“Who said you could ask any questions,” Puck whispers in my ear. His damp breathe brings goosebumps up my back and I start to shiver. I hate being helpless, and I can’t summon anything. Why is this happening? “Oh,” Puck says,”Annabeth says hello, she’s excited to… share a meal with you.” His giggling form retreats across the room and a sudden light comes on.

Shielding my eyes, confusion swamps my brain and all I can do is try to stop the blood flowing from my wound. That damn fairy.




All I can see now are the tears falling from Annabeth’s eyes. I chuckle lightly, bringing my hand up to her face. Catching a tear on my finger, I try to joke this situation off. “Hey, you still owe me my meal,” I gasp. Tears are overtaking me too, I haven’t cried this whole time.

“Nico, he won’t get away with this,” Annabeth gasps. It’s funny, but is it just me or are her eyes… red? Moving my hand, I cup her chin and pull her closer. I wasn’t wrong, her eyes are as red as Red’s cape. Pun intended.

“What did they fucking do to you?” I whisper. Moving, I try to stand on wobbly legs and begin to fall before Annabeth catches me, her grip like steel aroung my thin limbs.

“A lot of stuff happened,” she looks away while biting her lip,” I’ll tell you after we find Red and the others.” I nod and look around. “We’re on a cruise ship,” she says,”I was following a man who came into this room earlier. His name was Jason Grace.”

“I don’t remember anyone coming in besides Puck,” I say. I absentmindedly rub  at the closed wound on my neck. “No one else came in while I was awake and I was sleeping when you came in.” Reaching down to my waist, I’m surprised to find a sword at my belt. Pulling it out of its sheath, down the blade is inscribed Ivlivs.

“Where’d you get that,” Annabeth asked, “I remember yours is back with Grover and Wolfy.” I snap my head back.

“Where’s everyone else?” I ask. The look in her eyes can mean only one thing: they’re here and in trouble. “How did you know?” I ask.

“After hearing what Puck said and after what you told me I kind of put it together.” A strong resolve enters her eyes, “They don’t call me the daughter of Athena for nothing,” she chuckles. Grabbing my hand, she tugs me down a corridor and we walk, clueless to our surroundings. After a while, I turn to ask why everything is so quiet when the boat rocks. Unable to keep our balance, Annabeth and I are thrown to the ground as a screeching sound erupts around us.

Covering my ears, I look up and sit in shock. Where did the top of the boat go? “Annabeth, you gotta look at this,” I breath. She picks up her head from on my legs and looks up, an identical expression of shock on her face. “Holy shit,” I say as we stare at the open blue sky and listen to screams coming up around us in a symphony of terror.

Now that it's summer break, we're hoping to put out chapters more frequently and perhaps start on a series? Any suggestions for the title/who should be on the cover are much appreciated!!! :D

-Life and Ryder

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