13) Alone Together *Red*

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Annabeth kissed me…. I just... give me a second.

(Jumps up and down while screaming and babbling nonsense until Jason comes from the grave to slap me.)

Sorry about that. Anyway, after we parted the other campers invited us to come celebrate our return. Annabeth excepted but I declined and she gave me a look but there was some business I needed to handle on my own first.

It was about midnight now and I have been walking for hours to go back to the spot where we had first fallen into the Pokemon world. Too my surprise Talonflame had followed us through the portal and was now resting on my shoulder. It made me miss Wolfy boy. Speaking of which I wonder where he had run off too, I haven’t seen him since before we fell through the tree.

Finally I stepped into the clearing and there tree was right in front of me, and beside it was my scythe laying in the grass. I smirked before walking over and picking it up, brushing the dirt of the blade. “Boy, am I glad to see you again,”  I coo to my favorite weapon before turning to the tree.

I frown and take the hand not holding the scythe and rest it on the tree trunk, but to my surprise I don’t fall through like before. Instead I get a sudden vision. The ship after we had left, the screams of dying people filled my ears as the Wabbajack screeched ripping their souls from their bodies. What was most disturbing though was watching as Puck, Ares, and Amber stood to the side watching with amused looks on their faces.

I tried to pull my hand away to stop the horrid scene but couldn’t. I watched as someone else slowly approached the three. The scarred arms and maroon hoodie were easily recognizable, that couldn’t be me though. I’m here.

Amber slowly turned and faced me with a grin on her face. “Glad you decided to join the right side. I knew you would, the twisted nature runs through your veins after all,” She smirks as if her findings are worth a Nobel Prize.

Slowly I reach up and pulled my hood off revealing the three scars on my face as well as another horrid detail. Just like Amber I had the twisted hand print on my face in blood, a sick twisted grin on my face as I watched the massacre.

I couldn’t watch anymore and quickly pried my hand away from the tree trunk, losing my balance I fell backwards. I suddenly felt like I couldn’t breath and started coughing heavily into my hand. I felt something warm on my hand as it ran down my arm covering over my scars.

I stopped coughing enough to be able to look at my hand to see the twisted handprint had formed in my hand again and any excess blood had run down my arm resting on top of my scars. As I look at them now I noticed how they had a somewhat twisted pattern similar to the hand print, all leading down to my palm.

The hairs on the back of my neck rose and I got a chill up my spine as I quickly wiped the blood off on my sweatshirt. I got the overwhelming feeling that something was watching me, but I can hear nothing. Talonflame got spooked as well and flew from my shoulder up to a tree branch.

Talonflame hid in the leaves making me frown. “Oh come on ,what could scare you? You catch shit on fire,” I yell up to it as I turn around, looking into the woods and meeting a set of animal-like eyes.

Gripping my scythe tightly in both hands I slowly made my way towards the creature only to have it… hiss at me? Before can hiss back at it the creature jumps out of the trees, knocking me to the ground. Pain laces through my shoulder and it’s all thanks to Amber’s skill with a weapon. A lot of strange things have started happening to me and one of them is that my healing ability has suddenly stopped, I now heal at a normal rate just like everyone else.

I looked up at this beast just to realize it was a huge cat, and when I say huge I mean like as big as a Mastiff huge. The cats eyes were a sick yellow color and it seemed undead, some of its tail was only bone and an ear was missing. The rest of its body was skinny to the bone with some parts missing skin over all. But what caught my attention the most was the large chain hanging around its neck.

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