4) Getting Away With Murder *Red*

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“Red,” I hear a familiar voice call to me, distorted through the void I’m stuck in.

“Red, wake up,” I hear again. The starting to pull me from my dreamless sleep.

I groan slightly, feeling someone’s hand on my shoulder as they shake me a bit, trying to wake me. “You’re not going to keep your princess waiting for you, are you Red?” I catch as I slowly begin to open my eyes.

The world around me is a blur, but after blinking my eyes a few times I start to focus on the figure standing over me. The first thing I notice is those beautiful grey eyes looking in mine. “Annabeth?” I ask in confusion. She giggles sweetly making my heart race in my chest.

“Good morning sleepy head,” she purrs and I frown, still trying to come out of my half asleep daze.

I looked around and noticed we we’re no longer in a cave, but in the middle of a field with the sun high in the sky. I also took note that Percy, Nico, and Grover  we’re nowhere to be seen along with the rest of our crew. I turned my attention back to Annabeth and I notice she’s straddling my waist, making me blush. She giggles again and I look back up at her giving her a nervous smile.

“What’s wrong Red, you seem kind of tense,” she said leaning forward a bit and I try to lean back as far as I can into the dirt.

I don’t know exactly what’s going on right now but I can tell you one thing, with how close Annabeth is to me right now I’m glad I’m not me, and not a guy if you know what I mean.

“N-nothing, where’s Percy, Grover, and Nico, and how did we get out here in this field, and….” I start but Annabeth silences me by putting a finger to my lips, still giving me that dopey smile.

“None of that matters right now, Red” she says taking her finger off my lips and leaning closer. “It’s just you and me” she whispers. She reaches so that our faces are just inches apart.

“Annabeth…” I start but she quiets me again, but this time it’s a kiss that takes my breath away.

My eyes widened at first in surprise before slowly starting to close as I kissed her back, alright this had to be a dream. Here I was kissing the girl of my dreams. Nothing made sense, but I suddenly don’t care as my lips moved in sync with hers. It was more than I could have imagined and it ended sooner than I wanted to.

I whimpered slightly when she parted her lips from, mine resting her forehead against mine. I opened my eyes and looked into her dazzling grey pools unable to speak. She giggles again, making me relax a bit.

“This doesn’t seem real,” I finally manage, an amazed smile cracking my usually masked face.

“I assure you it is,” she says sitting up a bit. “Close your eyes,” she commands and I do as she orders closing my eyes. I can feel her shift a bit and I suddenly feel her warm breath against my neck making me feel uneasy again.

“Annabeth…” I start to protest but she cuts me off again.

“Shhh just relax,” she coos making me feel slightly less tense.

I was beginning to wonder how far this dream come true would go when I felt a scraping sensation on my neck. Before I could realize what was happening she bit into me, causing my eyes to snap open and body to tense in fear. I tried to scream but my breath caught in my throat, my limbs also seemed to be restricted by some unseen force as Annabeth continued to suck the blood from my neck.

“Red?” Another voice calls and I can hardly recognize it.

She finally pulls away from my neck and sits up looking down at me, she had blood dripping down her face and her once grey eyes we’re now red, the glowing embers of a fire. “They can’t help you now Red,” she said with a smirk.

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