11) Where Have You Been *Red/Annabeth*

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Wiping the sweat from my forehead, I try to catch my breath as Ares stares me down with a disappointed look. We hadn’t been fighting for too long but I wished that I had my scythe, this dagger was getting me no where and I needed to end this fast if I thought I had any chance.

“You know Red,” Ares starts and  catches my attention, “Even when you were young I knew you were going to be a disappointment.” His insult doesn’t hurt as much as I thought it would. “But I never thought you would be this weak, I’m ashamed to call you one of my children,” he sneers.

I smirk and set in a fighting stance once again. “And I’m ashamed to call you my father, so we’ve finally agreed on something,” I retort and his face crumples in anger. “Oh no you don’t,” I say while he raises his sword.

Without saying anything he runs at me, stabbing straight at my chest. His attack makes me jump back and I hold my dagger in a defensive position, his slashes getting closer and closer. Every time I dodge him, more energy leaves my body and at this point I’m panting for breath.

But I notice he’s not aiming for any vital points, he’s going total offense but won’t go for a blow that will end me immediately. Instead he’s taking his time to wear me down, but even then he shows no sign was wanting to fatally harm me. Damn that last pack of cheetos I had before I left camp.

“What’s wrong Ares you seem too calm, and you’re not trying to end this battle quickly,” I say sidestepping to dodge one of his attacks as I go to strike him.

But he turns in time catching my blade before I can sink it into his flesh, he doesn’t back down and instead keeps our weapons locked as he pushes with his strength trying to get me off balance. I stand my ground as we try to stare each other down, “ You’re trying to take up as much time as possible, what are you waiting for?”

He chuckles to himself and the gravelly sound sets my stomach on edge,, “Maybe you’re not as stupid as I thought you were Red”

“I AM your daughter, it’s obvious I should know your ploys.”

With the flick of his wrist my dagger is suddenly flung from my hands to the other side of the room, hitting the floor and skidding across it with the slight hiss of metal on wood. “But you’re just going to have to wait for her arrival like everyone else on this damn boat,” Ares grunts. With his free hand, he backhands me with enough strength to put a normal human into a coma. Even though I’m a demigod, it hurts enough to shatter my resolve.

My vision grows blurry as I sink to one knee, trying to stay conscious as I  listen to my heartbeat like thunder in my ears. The metallic taste of blood fills my mouth, a throbbing pain running through my whole skull. Closing my eyes I grit my teeth and try to push the pain away. I open my eyes and look at Ares, who I was seeing double of. A little desperate, I reached my hand out to grab the dagger lying across the room.

I try to get to my feet but I felt the tip of a blade under my neck when I try to move. “Stay down if you know what’s good for you,” Ares warns me. I look up at him and see the look of triumph in his eyes.

“If I could cut you to pieces right now I would happily do so but you’re lucky I have strict orders to follow,” he says, pulling the sword away and sheathing it.

“You’re following orders?” I question. “Isn’t that a first? I feel bad for whoever the ring leader is of your little plan having to put up with your crap.”

He snickers at my comment. “Normally I would have killed anyone who tried to rule over me, but she has more power than I do. I’m sure when she arrives you’ll understand,” he says as he makes his way to the door. The pain in my skull begins to fade out and I just sit, still a little surprised he didn’t kill me.

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