Sadness and Cookies

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As I shut the door to my room, I twisted the lock, beginning to slowly slide down until my legs hit the floor and my head was leaning against the door.

I reached for my phone, still charging on my bedside table, clicking my home button and watching the screen light up, showing an image of Iwaizumi and I as children.

I used to love this photo.

Iwaizumi and I standing next to each other, each about 7 years old, his arm over my shoulders and a big smile on both of our faces.

It makes me wonder how things changed so quickly.

When did it change from innocent childhood friends to childhood friends that hook up every time they see each other? And when did it turn from a consenting relationship to borderline sexual assault?

It just doesn't make any sense to me.


Hours have passed. I've just been sat in my bed, contemplating things. Contemplating friendship, contemplating love, contemplating life as a whole.

My head turns as I hear a knock at my bedroom door. I know it can only be Tobio, but I don't know why he'd come knocking.

Is something wrong?

I get up, making my way towards the door, twisting my lock and pulling the handle.

As I open the door, I am greeted with the sight of Tobio, holding a box of cookies and staring at the ground.

He takes a shaky breath, only glancing up at me briefly before returning his gaze to the ground.

"I uh, dropped by the bakery to get something for myself, but I figured you'd want something too, considering all that's happened. But I didn't know what to get you, so I just grabbed a box of assorted cookies and hoped for the best."

He held out the box slightly, and I gently took it out of his hands.

"Thank you, Tobio."

The words that leave my lips are full of sincerity, genuinely grateful for the thoughtful gift.

"You're welcome." He says, proceeding to scurry down the stairs.

I glance at his figure as he moves, my lips quirking up into a smile as I see him blushing and putting his head in his hands on the lower floor.

No doubt he's as surprised as I am. Something so generous and considerate is not typical for him.

Nonetheless, I shut my door, bringing the box of cookies over to my bed. I lift the top, gazing down at the assortment of sweet treats.

I grab at one, beginning to eat it and enjoying the sweet flavor.

In this moment, I realize how thankful I am for Tobio. I can only hope he's thankful for me, too.

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