Making A Move

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Tobio had excused himself shortly after I had called him cute, and once he was gone, I smiled to myself.

Now, I might be wrong, but I think I've just confirmed my suspicions.

Those suspicions of course being that Tobio has some sort of feelings for me. Feelings that venture beyond friendly.

It seems absurd, for someone who is known as not having any emotion to feel any sort of love, which is one of the strongest feelings in existence. But, in a way, it makes sense.

See, as far as I know, the kid doesn't have many friends. The only people I've ever heard him speak of are a few friends from his old high school. He hadn't spoken of them much, but from what I could gather, they weren't really that close. Tobio was seemingly the outlier, the one that didn't speak much, or hang out much, but stuck with a group so he didn't have to sit alone at lunch.

I felt bad for him, but I can't help but feel a little bit happy about it.

Call me sadistic, but I think that those experiences are why he could have some sort of crush on me, and I find it... worth it, almost... for him to have gone through all of that, just because it means that the two of us are more likely to end up together.

And I know, it's almost pathetic to pine after your younger roommate that hates everything, but I honestly can't help myself.

Just the thought of him reciprocating my feelings towards him makes my insides erupt with butterflies.

And, maybe it's because I lack self control, or patience, or both, but I want to do something. Something bold. Something that could either prove my point or ruin my life.

Make a move.

Yes. I, Oikawa Tooru, am going to get flirty with my socially inept roommate.

Of course, it's not going to be anything crazy. Whether or not he has a crush on me, the boy still has boundaries, and I will respect them.

But, I will test the waters.


It has been two hours, and Tobio has come back downstairs to grab a snack.

I plop onto the couch, calling out for him.

"Tobio! When you've gotten your food, could you come sit with me and watch TV? This show looks interesting but I don't wanna watch it alone."

I hear a slight hum of agreement from the kitchen, before Tobio walks in with a bowl of pretzels.

He takes a seat next to me, placing the bowl in his lap, before looking at the television.

"What show is this?" He asks.

I shrug.

"Don't know the name, but it's about meerkats, and it's kind of adorable." I say, before smirking.

"Kinda reminds me of another adorable thing I know..." I speak, letting my words trail off as I casually place my arm around his shoulders.

Tobio's face is overtaken with a pink tint, and it makes a smile appear on my face.

"You like it when I call you cute, don't you?" I ask, and the younger boy's face reddens even more.

I chuckle.

"It's okay if you do, you know. I won't judge."

Tobio simply puts his face in his hands at my words, possibly to cover up his cheeks.

He's embarrassed. That much is obvious. But it helps my theory. If he were entirely opposed to the situation, he would have already yelled at me by now.

But, he hasn't done that. He's just blushed a lot.

And... slowly started to lean into me.

Whether it's intentional or not, I'm unsure. All I know is that he is more snuggled up to me than he was before.

I decide not to point it out to him, since I don't want him to move from this honestly very comfortable spot.

I just decide to let him be, and watch the TV drone on and on about meerkats.


After about 30 minutes, I feel the weight next to me shift, and I turn my head to see a sleeping Tobio, head rested on my shoulder and arms beginning to snake their way around me, as though the sleeping boy was perceiving me as a teddy bear.

I smile at the sight, and my heart feels as though it is going to leap out of my chest.

Because...  If I'm being honest, he looks beautiful.

The light from the television is bouncing off of his face almost perfectly, highlighting the cutest parts of his face, like his lips and nose.

His mouth hangs slightly open, showing off his pearly white teeth as small breaths escape him.

It's a sight that makes me lose some of my self control.

Without putting much thought into my actions, I dip down, leaving a kiss on the tip of Tobio's nose.

And, though it might have been a hopeful delusion, I swear I saw his lips upturn slightly as I did so.

Things are getting really fluffy around here, folks.

Because tbh I've been writing this book since March (7 months at this point) and I just wanted to get to the cute shit.

So, as the author, I wrote some cute shit.

Also, because I'm in a good mood, have some cute Oikage fanart I found while scrolling through Pinterest.

See ya in the next update!

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