New View On Mornings

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I awake slowly, allowing what little light there is at 6:00 in the morning to flood into my eyes.

It's a nice morning, however, it doesn't take long before I realize that I am on the sofa facing out towards the window, and that there is an arm securely placed around my waist.

I immediately look up, noting Oikawa's sleeping face pressed against one of our couch pillows, sleeping soundly.

Oh my god.

We fell asleep like this?

A blush makes its way onto my face for the umpteenth time this week, and I burrow my face into my own hands. It's such a bizarre feeling.

I used to hate human contact. I used to hate human interactions.

I used to just hate all humans in general.

Yet now, I find myself cozied up next to my roommate on our living room couch, after we dozed off in each other's arms watching tv.

And I like it.

I smile slightly at the thought, turning my body over so that I can face his chest.

I begin to get comfortable again, wrapping my arm around him in the same way he has his arm around me. I also waste no time in snuggling closer to his chest, resting my forehead against it as though he were my pillow.

'Who knew this was so comfortable?' I think, again feeling betrayed by my past self's closed-mindedness.

I feel Oikawa begin to stir slightly, and I quickly shut my eyes, hoping he doesn't realize I'm already awake.

"Oh, shit." I hear him mumble, probably realizing our current position.

A loud sigh emits from his mouth.

"Just how are you so adorable?" He mutters.

At this moment, his hand leaves my waist, traveling up to my head, where he begins to twirl some of my hair around his finger.

"So, so adorable." He says again, and I feel my heartbeat begin to quicken at his words.

I mean, sure. I had some inkling that he had developed a liking for me just as I had for him, but, wow. I never even imagined that he would be this sincere about it.

There's a couple minutes of silence until I suddenly feel Oikawa's weight shift.

I feel his hand reach for my forehead, moving my bangs out of the way.

In a moment, I feel his lips press a kiss against my forehead.

I wish he'd do that more often.

This was short
And also very late
And I'm so sorry!

My quarterlies are coming up and I'm hella stressed because I don't know ANYTHING.

Once those pass, my updating should become more regular again.

Thank you for reading!

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