Chapter 15 - In which the tour begins and so does trouble

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Chapter 15 - In which the tour begins and so does trouble

We started touring just two months ago. We were arriving to Norway. Dom was watching from the small window, excited like a five-year-old and I took a picture of him. He heard the click of the camera and turned around.

"How many photos more are you taking?" He said grabbing my camera.

"A google of them!" I said with enthusiasm.

I still remembered that kiss with Matt. The flashback was so easy to picture and remember. I still don't know what I was thinking when I kissed him, and my surprise when he kissed me back. I mean, for a very long time, I wanted to kiss him again, but I knew we wouldn't because of Monica; but hell knows what happened that day. I remember I felt really good kissing him; it was something I craved for quite some time.

The next day, we both woke up in my room, cuddling. I felt relieved when I saw we were wearing the same clothes; I wouldn't have handled the guilt if something else happened. That day, both Matt and I felt lightly awkward with each other, but the rest of the week went just fine. One day before us leaving, Monica arrived. Sure I felt like the most disgusting person when I saw her, good thing I only saw her for less than three hours, but I still wondered how Matt felt when he saw Monica, especially because he didn't get as excited as he would whenever he spent time without seeing Monica.

* * *

After the first gig in Norway, we went to the pub in our hotel, and hung out there for a while, until Dom decided to leave to a night club. It wasn't hard to find one; there was one nearby just a few blocks away from our hotel. I was feeling in the mood to party, and it took me a couple of hours to get pretty drunk. I remember I was dancing with Matt, Chris and Dom, and at some point, I was dancing with this random girl. I went to get some drinks, and she followed me to the bar. She was being flirty with me, and well, she was really pretty, although she had a cute funny accent when she talked in English. I remember her name being Anne. She had just broken up with her girlfriend and went to the club to have a good time without remembering her ex-girlfriend. I was sure Anne was as drunk as I was, but hell; I was having a good time with her. It was a terrible coincidence when she told me she had gone to Muse's concert and I told her I was their personal photographer. I grabbed her hand and pulled her to the dance floor where Dom, Matt and Chris were dancing; she got very excited to meet them; it was really adorable watching her fangirl.

The rest of the night, I could hardly remember what happened. I just remember waking up the next day, surprisingly, without a hangover; but I was indeed feeling pretty tired.

"I'm Matt.." I heard Matt's voice whisper softly, waking me up.

"What?" I asked in a low voice.

I noticed I was lying over his chest. We were both still wearing the same clothes, and I rolled over the bed, and found Dom asleep, with Anne sleeping next to him, I felt relieved when I saw how everyone was wearing the same clothes. I still wanted to know what happened, and wasn't sure what to think.

"You were muwmuring in your sleep" Matt answered me, sitting on the bed and stretching his arms while moaning softly.

"I have several questions in my head at this moment..." I asked sitting next to Matt. We were four people, all in one bed, in our hotel room, I didn't know if we were in Dom's or Matt's room...what the hell?

"Okay, I'll twy to answer them all" Matt said frowning lightly and looking at me. "At some point, you left the pub, because you were talking to someone on the phone. Dom started fliwting lightly with Anne, like he always is, but without twying to get somewhere; she got tewwibly dwunk and twied kissing Dom, but Dom told her he had a girlfriend. You told me to get you tickets for one of our concerts in Sweden. We came back to the hotel; Anne was still twying to get to kiss Dom. I lied on my bed and you cuddled next to me, while Dom and Anne also lied on the bed, and were talking and wouldn't shut up, so you gwabbed a pillow and threw it to them. At some point, everyone passed out" I stared surprised at what Matt had told me. I couldn't believe all that happened.

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