Everyone has to grow up

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The thin curtains flutter in the breeze as the night draws in. Sighing, you turn in your bed to face the window, which was ever so slightly open, you stare longingly through the gap in the curtains at a small bird sitting on the ledge. It's so free. Free to do as it pleases. Free from rules and regulations the world is beginning to push down on you.

The pressures of growing up were beginning to weigh you down, soon you'd be forced to make decisions that would affect your entire future at only (y/a). You hated it. Why did things have to be so different once you reached the age where society decides you should be mature?

Your parents were one of these pressures, trying to mould you into the perfect person, someone you didn't want to be. You craved adventure and excitement free from the pressures of adult life, but everyone has to grow up eventually....

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