» 07: Shrek is love, Shrek is life

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What's this?


I am shook!

On with thy chapter!!!



"Some.. body once told me, the world was gonna roll me. I ain't the sharpest tool in the shed~"


"She was looking kinda dumb, with her finger and her thumb, in the shape, of an 'L', on her forehead!"

"No. You will not be doing this again." Batman stated, clamping his hand over my mouth. I glanced up at him, a muffled chuckle slipping past my lips. The two of us were currently holed up in the Batcave, just passing time before heading over to Mount Justice for some 'team training'. Because, apparently, the team getting themselves caught was a big no-no.

I just don't see why I'm being forced to go when I'm not even part of the damn team. "Do I have to train?" I asked once he moved his hand. "Can't I just hang out with Wally?"

"Even if I don't have you train, Wally will be training, so no."

"Fair enough." I went back to humming my previous song, Batman sighing in defeat as we made our way towards the mountain.

I watched as he walked ahead of me, a satisfied smirk pulling at My lips as I quieted down. Man, I can only wonder what's going to happen once I'm gone? Oof. Bad topic to think about. Moving on.

Once we entered the Mountain, I was quick to spot Wally and all his gingery cuteness. "Babe!" I called throwing myself into him, he let out a grunt as he struggled to balance himself for a moment.

"Hi." He greeted. A warm smile on his lips. "So you decided to show up after all?"

"Only to kick your ass." I replied back with a grin.

"Is this everyone?" Batman called, grabbing everyone's attention, Black Canary at his side, glancing around he quickly concluded so. "Then lets get started."

With a few mumbled "okays", everyone made their way out of the room, Wally carrying me on his back, for the sole fact that I refused to move on my own.. laziness is key to preserving energy.

"We'll start simple," Canary started, standing in the middle of the mat. Everyone else surrounding her. "From what I gathered, you all relied too much on yourselves, and not each other."

They all gave ashamed looks.

Yas, look ashamed ya failures.

"As well, I noticed that you all rely too much on your weapons and powers. So, we will be learning how to fight with nothing more than our fists."

"Kinky." I mumbled, standing next to Wally. He elbowed me in the side. Betrayal gracing my features as he glanced at me with a raised brow. Bitch. I'll fuck you up. No hesitation.

"So, I'll pair you off, and all of you will spar."

"Oh! Oh!" I called, raising my hand. "I wanna go against Wally!"

"No." Batman denied. I immediately felt the small blue cloud raining over my head as I whined. "You can go against Miss Martian."

She looked more thrilled than I did..

I sighed as I stood on the mat, Miss Martian standing in front of me all bubbly and shit. "Let's do our best." She smiled, I waving her off.

"Yeah yeah." I got into a sluggish stance- Batman not at all impressed by it. "I'll go easy."

"Ready?" Canary started, looking between us, "Begin!"

Now.. I take everything I said about Miss Martian back.

"Son of a bitch that hurt.." I groaned out, pushing myself back up, rubbing my stomach.

"I do not need you to go easy on me." She declared, getting back into a fighting stance. Okay. My bad. Sheesh. I finally composed myself, running a hand through my hair.

"Okay. Don't say I didn't warn you."

She charged once more, aiming for my stomach again. I made sure to evade out of the way, flipping around to be behind her, where I sent a kick towards her back.

To my surprise, she quickly turned in time to catch me mid air. She tried to throw me down, but I threw my self back and was able to get my hands to touch the mat once more. Allowing me to kick myself free. We moved away from each other once more. "You're better than I thought." I smirked.

She didn't bother to reply as she charged once more. Well, fine. Last time I compliment you. I blocked another punch to my stomach. Seriously, was she trying to make me puke? I barely had time to register her other fist coming barking towards my cheek. Luckily I was able to catch it in my hand in time.

Now I don't know if it was by accident or purpose, but the second our hands made contact, I felt a sharp pain erupt in my skull, and without time to react, a pain filled yell erupted from my lips, followed by Miss Martian.

It felt as if all the energy had been sapped from my body as my head erupted with pain. It was all I could do to catch myself on my hands and knees before my face ate the mat. "Dick!"

I immediately felt hands on me as I glanced over and saw Canary and Batman at  my side. Wally not too far away. Looking over, I saw Conner at M'ganns side. She too holding her head as she looked at me regretfully.

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to look." She quickly apologized. "I didn't see anything, I swear. I promise. I'm sorry."

"It's.." I breathed heavily, still trying to force away the pain. "Its fine." As long as she didn't see. Its fine. As long as she doesn't know.

It's fine.

- To Be Continued -

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