Chapter 65

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I got in Michael's face. "When we first met you told me that you had a brother named Zack who was eleven? What happened to him?" I asked. "I lied.." he said. I nodded. "Lied?" I asked. He nodded and pulled me next to him. "Why?" I asked. "Cause, having siblings is embarrassing, I actually have a eleven year old brother named Zack but, he was adopted." Michael said. I nodded and kissed him. Calum laughed. "Shut up" I joked he laughed louder. I got up and walked into the kitchen and Calum followed. "Who's the 15 year old that's living here now? " Calum whispered to me. I laughed. "Laura, it's Luke's sister." I said. He smirked. "She's kinda cute." He said standing up straight. "One, you have Ashton a promise ring! Two, your gay. Three, no way! " I said. He sat down. "One, I know I'm not gonna cheat just saying. Two,  bi-sexual. three, fine." He said. I laughed and walked back out with my drink I set it on tge end table and reclined the couch. Michael took my drink and began drinking it. I slapped his hand and took it. "You want a drink,  use your legs and get one." I said. He laughed and got up. A hour later we were back and fourth getting Laura's stuff from her friends to our house.

*3:00 pm.*
Laura and Chloe walked in. Michael groaned and sat up off of me. I laughed and looked at Calum. "Eye's to the screen" I yelled at him. He smirked and looked at the TV again. I got and high fived Laura and went to the bathroom.  When I came back out Laura walked past me. "Hii" she said smiling she winked. "Oh no" I said. Michael walked up to me. "What?" He asked. I pulled him out front. "Laura winked at me!" I whispered angrily. "So?" He asked. "She talked to me about being straight but didn't go to her family, winked at me and gave me a high give and stared me down. I swear if your sister has a crush on me I'm drowning myself in the pool" I whispered pointing out back. "Why would you resort to drowning yourself" Michael said laughing. I stomped and flung my arm's into the air. "You can never take things serious can ya?" I complained. "Oh, sorry." Michael said. "Michael I'm gay, your sister likes me. What do we do?" I asked. "Uhm? Do things To get her to not like you." He suggested.  I walked inside. "Laura come here" I dragged her into her room. "Do you have a crush on me?" I asked her sitting on her bed. She nodded and put her head down. "I'm gay, I only like men." I said. "Everyone's got to exexperiment every now and then." She said leaning in. "Not everyone." Michael said standing in the door way. I looked at him then at her she was blushing. "I dated a girl didn't really like it. Haven't dated anyone sense 9th grade, actaully that was my last realashionship before your brother." I said. I walked out and dragged Michael to the living room. "Told ya" I said. He laughed and Ashton came through the door . "Where have you been?" Michael asked him. "Places, scary scary places" he said laughing. He sat next to Calum and we watched a movie with the girls.

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