Chapter 66

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It was Friday night so we were letting the girls stay up pretty late. "What time is Laura?" Michael asked her. She picked up her phone and was blinded by the brightness in the dark living room. "1:57" she said turning down the brightness. "Bed.." he said. Chloe was already in bed passed out. "Michael when you were her age im sure you were up at 2 am even on school night's." I said. "Your point?" He said looking up at me. " if she has to go to sleep than you can get your head off my lap" I said. He rolled his eye's "15 more minutes." He said crossing his arm's and closing his eyes. I quietly high fived her. Calum and Ashton got up. "Night guy's" me and Laura said. "Night." They answerd. Finally 15 minutes had past. "Good night Laura. " Michael said. He made me jump cause I thought he was asleep. He smiled at me and Laura left. "You wanna get up so I can go upstairs and lay down." I asked him. "But im laying on you." He said looking at me. "Yes, but your laying down, I've been sitting in the same position for the last 17 minutes so I wouldn't disturb you" I said. He sat up and walked up stairs. "Babe?" He asked after we had gotten in bed. I don't think he's ever called me babe. I turned and looked at him. "Want to take me pants off?" He said smirking. I rolled back over. "No" I muffled. He spooned me and rested his head on my shoulders. "Your mean " He said. I nodded and fell asleep.

I walked down stairs and into the girls room. "Your dad and lance are coming back for a visit." Michael said. "You guys have different dads?" I said leaning on the door. "Yea, same mom differnt dad." He said. They nodded and Laura put her headphones in. Michael took them out. "I'm not done." He said sitting back down and putting her head phones in my sweater pocket. "They'll be here around 11pm so Chloe you might not be awake. There staying in the guest room for like 3 days." Michael explained. I took her headphones and handed them to Laura, she nodded and smiled a bit. "Can one of my friends stay the night?" Laura asked. I looked at Michael. "Yes" I said quickly so he couldn't. He looked at me and rolled his eye's.  He squeezed past me in the door way. I smiled at the girls and walked out. "Why'd you roll your eye's at me?" I asked following him into the kitchen. "Cause, I-i don't know okay." He said. I wrapped my arm's around him from the back. He turned to face me and smiled. "I know your a little depressed and sad but I'm here, so start being nice to the girl's. Treat them like the children we may never have. " I whispered and kissed his cheek. He smiled. "Who wants to go to the mall?" Michael yelled Chloe ran out. "Yea, but I want you to pick out Laura's outfit and Luke can pick mine, or other way around." She said quickly. "Laura's not going" Laura yelled. Michael picked up Chloe. "I'll dress Laura" I said walking into her room. "Why don't you wanna go? " I asked her sitting on the end of the bed. "I have no money.." She said sitting up. I dug into my pocket and pulled out 437$. I laughed and handed her a 100, and Chloe walked in and crossed her arms. I handed her two 20's and she ran out. "Get dressed, we'll just tell Chloe I dressed ya" I said. Standing up she laughed and I walked to the living room.

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