Chapter Two

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Friday came closer and closer, it was inevitable to stop it as the day couldn't be stopped and then it was here. I readied myself and spent the day with Katherine. She insisted on the mall for therapy. In her case, it was always retail that saved her from insanity. For myself however, I wasn't sure. "Come on, will you pick something out for tonight? If you don't I will." "We have completely  different styles Kat." "Exactly, so which store do you like?" "Fine, let's go in here." I make her tentative to following me in, but she toughs it out and peruses to help me out. "What do you think of this?" Katherine finds a sweet Stella black 50's dress that I do decide to try. "Thanks, It's cute. I want to try this." I show her a corset laced cold shoulder dress and she approves. I try them on and find I like the dress she picked out, so I grab studded platform sandals to go with. "Is this everything for you?" "Sure is." "Alright, the shoes are half off so your total is thirty-five even." I handed over forty and got five back. "Thanks a lot." 

"I hate the mall." "Summer, you found something amazing because of me, you have something that isn't crazy Gothic." "Says the girly girl." "And don't you forget it. I should head out anyway." "Have fun on your second date." "I'll have more than fun, it's the third date today." she winked and hurried out before I could hurl my stuffed bear at her head for the image she put in mine. 

Switching on the radio Ed Sheeran is playing as I get ready for dinner. I'd already spent most of the day out of the house and it felt good to cool down. I showered without hot water, towel dried my hair, dressed completely, added some eyeliner and my mothers necklace. Once my hair was dry, I brushed it out and clipped back my bangs to keep from falling in my eyes.                                    I hated to dress up, however as my reflection stared back at me, I found I looked like my mother and became content. My brothers are at the bottom of the stairs as I make my decent and their arms are open to escort me. I take hold of both of them, happy for their support in this. My father comes into view and we head out. We walk across the property, much like the distance between Sookie and Bill from the vampire show I watched to make my brothers squirm. I can't help but smile. "Nervous?" "When am I ever not?" I reply. The first step onto Wilde property I become hesitant, my heart races, and not in a good way. I feel sick. Then the front door is open and we have stepped across the threshold. 

"James my friend, It's good to see you!""And you as well Chris." The gentlemen take to the parlour and pour themselves a glass of bourbon. I am left to the den and so sit in front of the roaring fire that surprisingly warms the whole house. "Dinner is served sir." "Thank you Tara." "Shall we?" Everyone takes a seat without being assigned one, and yet the only open chair remains beside me. By his own precise timing, Alexander graces us with his presence once we have began to put food on our plates. Of course he sits beside me and adds to his plate quickly. I take some of the seared and wonderfully seasoned cow meat with some garlic potatoes. My mouth is full of food in no time, and I can't help savoring the tenderly cooked meat. Conversation erupts between most of us as I continue to eat. It was the only thing I was thankful for as there was plenty of it. "Summer, are you finished? I would like a word." Reluctantly putting down my knife and fork, I shift my chair back and follow Alexander into the den. For the oddest reason there is dead silence as everyone else moves to stand and act as though they aren't following me. "Summer, I've been waiting for the right time to do this. We've grown up together and I see that we can be more, I want my life to be with you. So, here it goes..." Alexander takes out a small box and bends to one knee. Oh god. My stomach turns into a huge knot, tugging and pulling. "Summer, make me happy for the rest of my life. Marry me." Of course Alexander was the perfect person to make this about him and to do it without making it a question. I became momentarily paralyzed. I reached my hand out to stop him, but by his view I had given him my hand and he swiftly slipped the ring onto my finger. 

"I'm so proud of you sweetheart." My father looked at me with so much love that it broke my heart. I wanted to hear those words from him when I married the man I loved, not the one who was rude and quite conceited. I burst into tears, and without a doubt, everyone else did to. As if my tears were happy ones unlike theirs. I'd hoped for more time before this happened, before Alexander could trap me. My brothers congratulated me as did Alexander's mother. Grace had always been so sweet to me, and as she beamed at me, I felt my heart break for her. I already thought of her as family, she cared for me after I lost my mother and we've been close ever since. Today of all days, I wanted it to be without Alexander being the groom. 

Later that night after everyone had gone to bed, I slipped out of the house and went to the water front where I felt closer to my mother, and where I felt better. I ran as fast as my feet would carry me, I begged to run forever and never stop until I had gone so far that no one would ever find me again. The wave came up and I stood close enough for it to touch my skin. This was where I belonged. 

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