Chapter Six

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"Good dog." Hunter says as I pull back and slowly stand on my hind legs. "Whoa, Summer come on out, you've got to see this." Oh Hunter, you haven't seen anything yet. I shake off my fur and it falls to the ground, my shape gets smaller as I take human form again and then there's nothing left as I stand naked before him. Hunters eyes grow wide in shock and he stumbles backward as to run away probably, I wouldn't stop him. He tried to speak, his mouth opened but words failed him. "I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner." "Sooner? Summer, you nearly fucking killed me!" "What?" I became stupefied at his accusation. "No, how could you think that? I'd never...the rogue. How long ago?" "The day before I met you, but now I doubt that." "Hunter that wasn't me, I don't hurt people. Omegas and Rogues are terribly vicious and will kill even humans." I now realized that this Rogue has been here, probably watching us, all of us. Its been waiting for a precise moment to strike, but when?                                                                                                                           "Summer talk to me, what is all this about? I was taught to hate your kind, but I'm in love with you." "I'm in love with you too Hunter, so much of this is still looking complicated, but I can explain everything else." 

Hunter came home with me and met my brothers before meeting my father. My father however took him aside and lead Hunter into the study. They remained in there for over an hour. I became nervous and bounced my knee. "Summer you should eat something." "I ate already. We had a picnic before getting back. What do you think they're talking about in there?" "You're not listening?" "No, out of respect. But its bugging me." "Honestly, I wouldn't worry after everything that's happened."

The family meeting had come to a close as we all talked and got everything out. Hunter seemed to have a good understanding of it as he took my hand and kissed it. He then lead me outside and back to his place. "I'm glad that I don't have to ask you many questions now, but damn Summer." "I'm sorry, I never thought that I would get to this point in my life." "I'm glad you did." Hunter touched his hand to my face, caressing my neck and then planting a sweet kiss on my lips. He becomes eager and takes me firmly, laying me back down on the bed. Hunter crawls onto me and trails kisses up and down my length. He stops momentarily, making me groan, and then I gasp at the invasion of his tongue inside me. Hunter circles my sex, drinking me in and toying with me deliciously. "Hunter, please..." I squirm horribly beneath him and want to feel his length inside me, filling me once again. "Beg for it Summer." What? hell no, I want what I want. I know that what I did wasn't all ok, but I'm not about to let him have all of the upper hand in this. I use my strength and force Hunter beneath me. "For once you're going to beg."                                     Taking his erection in my mouth, I lick the tip tenaciously, then go as far down as my throat will allow. I come up quickly and I do this very slowly. "Damn you Summer..." I peak up at him and smirk, raising my eyebrow smartly. I play the same game as he did and I feel victorious. Until Hunter shifts my weight and drops me onto him. He fills me up again and I stretch back, arching myself purposely so that his hands come up and grasp my breasts. Hunter has them wrapped perfectly in his palms, as though my chest is the perfect fit. Hunter radiates so much heat as I pick up my own rhythm and gloriously fuck his dick up and down, fast and hard.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         I continue endless until Hunter hisses and switches places with me, he remains inside me still and then he moves so precisely. I am building more, so much more with him above me. With Hunter moving much faster and harder. "Fuck yes!" I scream out feeling high as a kite with him. "Oh I'm there, don't fucking stop!" My body is racing, everything is vibrating and I break into orgasm after orgasm for this incredible man who then stills and pumps into me with his heightened orgasm as well. I am beyond sated as Hunter lays heavily on top of me, staying inside me so I can feel the pulsing of our sexual organs connecting beautifully. 

My legs once again feel like Jell-O as I stumble to walk after that amazing workout. Making my way into the kitchen I search for something to eat. Taking out a couple things, I decide on fettuccine. It takes me roughly twenty minutes to make, and once it's finished I take my bowl and Hunters back to bed. "Hungry?" "Very." I sit back and enjoy my creamed chicken. I smile at my rather dirty thought and eat up. "Summer you have something right there." I lick my lips and hope I got it, but then Hunter nods his head. "No, right here." He leans in and kisses my cheek, taking the small amount of sauce off my face. I am glowing at him and feel something deep in my belly that makes me kiss him fiercely. Placing my empty bowl on the bedside table, I go right back to kissing him. 

I've planted myself on his lap. Hunter wraps his arms around my waist as I pull him into me, never wanting to let go of his sculpted body. His muscles feel so damn good in my hands as I caress him, moving my hands up his arms to his neck and then my fingers are grasping his hair, holding him firmly so that I have complete control. Hunter moves his hands as well, he drags his fingers over my skin to my sensitive inner hips and then flicks my clit good and hard. I gasp happily and beg for more. He flicks away and I get high again. "Don't stop, that feels so damn good." "I don't plan to. But there's more I want to do to you since you made me beg." 

Summer's EveOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora