Chapter Eight

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The first of September came and with it was a beautiful harvest moon. It hung half in the sky and half gone. I watched it as Hunter continued to sleep with his arms wrapped around me tight, holding onto me like a little boy with his teddy bear. The view I have of him and the moon are magnificent. I feel him shift and then settle. I do my best not to move so I can continue to watch him sleep. Hunter sleeping is truly a sight to enjoy, I study his features and see his eyes squint as if he is dreaming about something, though I'm sure he is. Then he mumbles, its something I can't understand and then he speaks so very clearly. "Don't leave me." And with those words he tightens his hold. Oh my sweet Hunter. "I would never." I hug his form and attempt to fall back to sleep in the position I am in. 

When I wake again Hunter is gone from my hold. Sitting up I nearly go frantic. "Hunter?" There was no stopping the way my voice cracked speaking his name. For the oddest of reason I was scared. Like he was gone. "I'm here, are you ok?" "I think so." "You sounded off, are you sure?" "I don't know." "You probably had a bad dream and don't remember it." "Maybe. I think you did too." "When?" "Earlier in the night. You talked in your sleep." "Oh? What did I say?" "I think I'll keep it to myself." "I'll get it out of you sooner or later." "You'll have to catch me first!" Slipping out of bed on the opposite side of him, I run for the bathroom. "Summer!" I shut the door and laugh out loud at him. "Can't get me now!" "Oh you'll have to come out at some point!" Damn, he has a point.                                                                                                                                                                         I open the door tentatively and I look to see Hunter nowhere in sight. I just know he's going to jump me once I'm out. Creeping out I head for the kitchen to make something to eat. As I reach the fridge Hunter leaps out and surprises me. "Gotcha! "No!!!" I say excitedly as he wraps his arms around my waist and hugs me. I give in and lean against him. "Did I scare you?" "You surprise me Hunter." "Glad to hear it, because I like you just like this." Good. "Don't leave me." "Never." "That's what you said, in your sleep." "Probably because I meant it." And Hunter hugs me tightly as he did in his sleep. "So do I." 

I decided to surprise Hunter and with a little hint, I went and changed into a sweetheart cut red, black and white Spanish dress with soft low heels to match. Going out with it, I clip a rose to the side of my hair line to pull it back and show off my neckline. I looked at my reflection and saw myself come to life as a Spanish goddess. "Wow, Summer you look gorgeous." I turn and smile as Hunter had dawned a simple outfit befitting the activity I had planned. "And you, Hunter who knew you cleaned up so well." "I try." I laugh and then snag his arm to head out. "Where are you taking me?" "I told you its a surprise!" I run us through town and gain entrance to El corazon de la danza. "What is this place?" "It's called the heart of dance. Let's have a drink." Using the very little Spanish words I know, I ask the bartender for Shirley Temples. "Gracias Senor." "Tu bienvenida preciosa." "What did he say?" "He said you're welcome." I kept the little part of him calling me gorgeous to myself. I downed the drink loving the taste as Hunter tested it and then finished it nearly as quickly. "Let's dance, do you think you can keep up?" "Summer I thought you were Italian." "I am, I like to dabble with the Spanish I inherited from my mother." "Oh, that explains it." "Yes, I'm multi-racial." I dance slow so he can follow.                                                                   It doesn't take long for Hunter to get the steps down that he spins me and we dance faster to the new beat that plays. This goes on for a while, I feel him getting comfortable with the spicy side of life and Hunter surprises me when he attempts my words with the bartender. I help him a little and then he has it down. The bartender Jose, was very kind to speak a little English for him telling Hunter he's not bad and just needs a good mentor. We receive the drinks on the house and then go back to dancing again and again. 

The night comes to a close and Hunter is amazed that he spent half the night dancing. "I can't believe its after midnight." "Its the best time to operate for Spanish blood." "I can see why, its exhilarating!" "I'm glad you enjoyed yourself." "I'm glad you brought me. I love you Summer." "Y te amo." "That was you telling me you love me right?" "Yes." I pull Hunter into a kiss and never want to let go. "Let's head back." He says breathlessly. Hunter takes my hand and we start to walk. "Do you just like to walk everywhere for some reason?" "Other than it being good exercise? I've done it my whole life." "How would you feel about a car?" "Don't even think about buying me a car. I'll be too in debt to you." "Summer I have a car, Its in my garage." "Oh. Can I see it?" "Not yet, I still have some more work to add to it." "Well what's the make?" "That's a surprise for later." 

I leave Hunter at his place and head back home. Closed off in my bedroom I get a late text from Katherine asking me if I am still coming to her showcase on Saturday. I respond back with a yes and barely manage to strip out of my clothes as I have become exhausted. Lying back on my bed, I see the crescent moon before my eyes closed on me.

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