Chapter Nine

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"How did Halloween get here so fast?" I asked Katherine as she dragged me out to shop for costumes. "Because we're both in love. Time just goes by quicker." "I guess so. Why on earth are you making me do this?" "Because you need some fun in your life. Plus there's a concert coming up that requires costumes instead of paying for a ticket." "A concert?" Now that piqued my interest. I suddenly wondered just who was the main event. "Who is playing?" "There's Adam Lambert, Rob Zombie and Alice Cooper." "So no main event?" "Nope, it's like a charity thing they do on occasion." I search now, aimlessly for something just right. I can feel Kat staring at me with a smile on her face.  "What do you think of this one?" She shows me a bar wench outfit that is very short and quite revealing. "For yourself?" "Yeah, should I try it on?" "If you want to, I think you could find something better like...this." I almost randomly pick something out and find that it is a beautiful corset laced Victorian dress. "Wow, you really know how to pick them. I'll try that." Katherine happily takes it to the dressing room and slips into it with ease. She comes out just as quickly and she looks stunning. "What do you think?" "You look amazing!" She turns almost nervously and gawks at herself. "I can't believe you found this! I'm so getting it." "I'm glad to be of service." I say with a joking undertone and she smiles big. 

Now that Katherine has her outfit, Its my turn and she is relentless to search for just the right pick. "Maybe we should try that newer shop next door." "The scarier one?" "Yes." I say in response. "But why do you want something scary?" "You're really asking me that question?" She follows me a bit reluctantly as I head next door and am wide eyed. I search in vain for the perfect costume. "Are you sure you'll find something in here?" And then I move further back, there are a wide variety of sexy costumes. I look through each one carefully and then find it. The costume speaks to me. "This is it. What do you think?" "Its actually incredible. Go for it." 

Back home in my room I have put on my costume to admire it. It really is beautiful for something so dark. Its corset top was tied more properly with the help of Emily. I thanked her and she stood back knowing I would need help getting out of it. The bottom length was tied down the sides of the legs and the boots that came with were knee length and laced up as well. I looked like a high class Gothic pirate. I rather enjoyed it and then proceeded to remove it. Emily helped me out of the rather fitting outfit and then took her leave. I hung it back in the closet and became bored. What could I do to entertain myself? "Summer?" Serana knocked tentatively and opened the door. "Can I come in?" "I'd rather we go out, let me show you the town." "Ok." 

"I've never had this before, is it odd that I haven't eaten much human food in my life?" "A little bit, but now you're developing a palate for food." "Will it sustain me?" "Of course, it just takes playing human half the time, if not most of the time." "I guess so, it feels weird in this form. But I think I'm starting to get used to it." "Here, try this." I hand her the sprite cup and she sips it. "Oh, that's fizzy." "Its sprite, but its the easiest to drink. Other sodas aren't very good, too much Caffeine." "What's Caffeine?" "It's like fake energy, you can move a bit quicker, but then you crash from it." "That's good to know. Thanks Summer for doing this, not a lot of people would take time out of their day to be nice anymore." "There are still some of us kind people left in the world I promise, you just have to find them." As I finish that sentence, Hunter walks in of all people and he strolls to the bar. "Ooh, who's that?" "That would be Hunter, my mate." " How did you get a mate so quickly? especially with the new moon coming so soon." "I guess I found the right timing. Plus he's lucky to be alive. We wouldn't be together if I hadn't saved him." I say this as he sees me and comes right over. "Saved who?" Hunter kisses my cheek and then sips his beer. "You, I was telling Serana how we met." "I thought we met at the bathroom?" "That was informally." "Ok, if you say so. What are you doing today?" "Not much, having girl time right now." "Sounds good. Nice to meet you Serana." Hunter extends his hand and she takes it carefully. He kisses the back of her knuckles. Serana blushes brightly and I can't help but smile. "I think you have an admirer babe." I say to Hunter. "She is a cutie." I playfully smack his arm and he looks at me again. "I still love you baby." This time when he kisses me he goes in for a full lip lock. I am breathless when he pulls away. "Maybe I should give you guys some space." "Oh no, don't mind me. I just came in for a quick drink. I'll see you later tonight Summer." I smile and watch that sexy ass walk out of my view. 

Serana and I get back to the house after a day out in town and at the mall. She happily learned that shopping is very fun and was appreciative of the clothes I bought for her. "Thanks again Summer, today was awesome." "I'm glad. Next time out you'll have to meet Katherine." I follow Serana into her new room, my old baby room which happened to be very accommodating to Serana. She hangs up the new clothes before sauntering to the purple duvet covered bed. "I'm glad you're settled in Serana." 

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