Chapter Four

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The eclipse neared and Katherine had gone over everything with me nearly half a dozen times. I finally had it timed out just right. My plans with Hunter were in place and Alexander still had no idea. My family on the other hand would kill me for going against traditions, I could care less. I wanted this, to have passion, adventure, and a love that consumes me. Unwilling to tell my brothers as they bombarded me on my way in the house and then on the way out of the house. "I don't have time you guys." "Start making time." "Summer, we feel like we haven't known who you are this month, and with the eclipse..." I know Ok? I'll explain once I'm finished with my prior engagements. I have to do this just right." 

"Hunter? Are you ready?" I close the door behind me and set my bag down by the Island as I tread around for him. Then I hear the shower. This puts a damper on things, unless...I look at the time and have five minutes to wait. So I go for it. Slipping into the bathroom, I disrobe and climb in behind Hunter. He jumps at the touch of my hands wrapping around his waist. Turning to face me, he smiles and laughs. "You scared me." "I'm sorry, let me make it up to you." "I like the sound of that." Taking the body wash, I spread some onto the loofah and begin to wash him at his neck. I work my way around and then move steadily down his chest. He leans his head down to my neck and kisses me. Hunters erection is elongated and pressing firmly against me. Smirking, I continue to wash his body, I want to drink all of him in and admire further just to taunt him. "Summer..." I finish at his waist line as he pulls me into a breathless kiss. I finger his hair and tug gently to show him that I want him as much as he wants me.                                                 He breaks free and so I kiss down his chest, reaching my hand to Hunters favorite appendage. I touch it carefully and stroke his length up and down ever so tantalizing. To tease him further I lick his head and gently suck on his tip. 

Hunter yanks me up and kisses me again, His hands fist in my hair then trail down my neck and rest possessively on my hips, pressing me firmly to his body so that I feel all of him. Its time, its now and I can feel it. I raise myself and feel his length push deep inside me. Its terribly foreign as I lean back. I am able to rest on my forearms as Hunter takes incredible control and begins to pound hard and fast. I yell out in agony for him, he strokes his fingers over my sex and I convulse for him. Hunter moves still, begging for my second release. He feels good inside me now as I have given him my innocence. Hunter destroyed my virginity beautifully and I couldn't have imagined it being any better than this. I come for him again as he breaks for me, filling me with every ounce that pours from him. In this heat I have to finish what I've started, I'm nearly out of time, and I sit up to wrap my arms around his neck. Once again I elongate my canines and pierce them into Hunters neck. We become connected instantly and I have the pleasure of him opening to me, gaining his memories. We are mated in the eyes of Lucian.

"What was that you did in there?" Hunters words are slurred to me, I'm winded and in his arms. He carries me to the bed and lies down next to me. We are both still gloriously naked together. "I made you mine." "As did I. There's no screwing around, it's called making love in my book." "I'm glad to hear that." "Sleep, I exhausted you in there." I wanted to keep my eyes open just so I could watch Hunter. But my body fought against it and I faded out.                                                               

The smell of food woke me and so I moved to get up. "Oh no you don't, you're legs are Jell-o right now." I rolled my eyes at him and sat back as he put a plate of food down on my lap. "You really made this?" "Yes Summer, I really know how to cook." "God, I love you." Whoa, who knew those words would come out of me so soon. "Um, I meant..." "Of course you meant it Summer. I love you too." Hunter leans in and kisses me as I had popped a bite of food in my mouth. "Is there anything we should talk about?" "Like what?" I say with a stuffed face. "I guess nothing yet, its still early to mention anything." "In this...relationship?" "Yes, nothing to worry about yet." "Yet?" "I'm sorry I shouldn't have said anything." "Well you did, is there something bothering you?" "I guess I just don't want to move too fast." Oh. Of course, I knew already where I want to go with my life and Hunter plays a big part of it. So I'll be careful to give him his time, guy time and not to move too much faster with anything. "I understand. I want the same."

It was late as I returned home and I wasn't surprised to find not only my brothers, but my father as well. They sat in their seats and the fire roared, lighting up the room. "Summer, you need to sit down. We all need to talk." Damn it. I should have known this was coming. "I did everything wrong didn't I?" "Summer..." "No, I know Why Lucian chose a human mate, and I'm pulling that same card. I found love and I'm not denying its the best choice I have ever made in my life." "Now that we've heard everything from you, Summer don't you realize your chain reactions makes you our next alpha?" "Wait, what?"

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