Chapter Three

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The water front always made me feel so safe, perhaps also because my mother loved the water so much herself. I breathed in the salty sea air and enjoyed the brisk wind in my face. To be here at this time of night just so happened to be perfect. The full moon had risen and reached its apex. Its illuminating light was radiating, until a shadow crept up behind me. I launched into my turn and had thrown myself at whatever it was. The sound that stumped me was that of a human groaning in pain. Oh no...who did I do this to?                                                                                  "I'm so sorry..." "I remember you, from the Cafe." "I'm Summer." My voice cracked and broke as I moved to see him. He had been punctured through his side, grazed with long inches rather than deep wounds. Still he was in pain and I could help him if he would let me. 

"I could have killed you.." I dropped my head and tried not to cry at the fact that this gorgeous man could be dead because of me. "But you didn't. Summer, I'll be alright." He reached up with his hand to comfort me, and I didn't fumble or even hesitate to hold his hand right where it was. "Do you trust me?" "Of course. "Close your eyes." I couldn't believe I was about to do this, but I knew it had to be done. enlarging my canines, drawing out my jaw I brought my wolf mouth to his wound and licked it clean. After lapping up the blood, my saliva went right to work at healing. "What's your name?" "Its Hunter. What did you just do?" "I saved your life."                         Hunter guided me slowly but surely back to his place and I helped him inside, to his room and into bed. "What were you doing out so late anyway?" "I go out for a run at night when I can't sleep. What's your excuse?" "I had a bad night." "Do you want to talk about it?" "Not really, its not worth repeating anyway." "That bad huh?" "You have no idea. Anyway you should get some sleep." "Stay with me, you're great company." "I don't think that's such a good idea." "Please, its the least I can do." On this I hesitated, but then gave in. "I'll go crash on the couch. Good night Hunter." "Good night Summer." 

I stretch upon waking and see a bright morning sun warming my face. I sit up and for a moment draw a blank as to where I am. "Morning sleepy head." I turn my head and see Hunter, that name is suddenly ingrained in my head. He is working around the Island making breakfast. "Hope you're hungry." "Yeah, thank you." He comes over to me and sets down a plate with eggs, toast and sausage. I dig in and am amazed at his cooking. When I finish I clean up my plate and think to head for the door. "Leaving?" "I really should. Thank you for breakfast." "You're welcome." Hunter has closed the distance between us and I can feel his heart racing at the sight of me. He's already begging for my touch, and as much as I want to touch him, I can't just yet. I open the door before anything can happen and I hurry off. 

"So what did you do?" "I came straight here." Katherine stared up at me and I paced around her living room. "Hang on, when is the eclipse?" "At the end of the month, why?" "I can come up with a binding spell that will require using the energy from the eclipse." "Okay...I need more to go on." "Usually the eclipse is made up of bad juju, I can turn it around and use it to bind Alexander." "Does that mean I would have time to mark Hunter as my mate?" "Yes, its a temporary hold, like reanimating the dead, in this case it would be the other way around. Alexander would appear dead. He would be a ghost trapped in his body unable to do anything." "What's the catch?" "The eclipse is limited, you'll have a bit of a short window." "How short?" "Ten minutes, maybe less." "So I have to time this right then." "Exactly, so let me get everything together and I'll let you know when we'll start. We have to be precise." 

Upon getting home my brothers and my father are all absent. I listen for where they are, and figure the study. I attempt to listen to their conversation. "She's not into this completely." "Summer knows the risks of this life, she'll do what's right." "What's right for us and this family, or for herself?" My phone buzzes in my pocket and I am bothered to discover it is Alexander. I shuffle up to my room and then answer. "Summer, I need to see you." "Fine, where at?" "Outside." I hang up and jump out my window. Alexander is leaning against a tree looking out the opposite direction towards Lycaon creek. "What's going on?" "We need to talk."                            I follow behind him as he walks on and then comes to a stop at the edge of a lookout point. He sits and motions for me to sit beside him. "Summer, I feel you aren't all there for me." "That's because I'm apprehensive. I honestly know what I want in life." "Tell me what you want." "I want a normal life." "I know what I want, and I want you happy. You probably never thought those words would come from my mouth." "I did." 

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