Chapter 2

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Chapter Two


It's morning again and I don't want to see Jack. But, he is in ALL my classes. I'll see him everywhere! He won't leave me alone. I might have a little crush....

Today, I slip on a sweater an some dark jeans. I wear my hair down today. I practice controlling my powers before I leave. No one can find out. I just wish someone was like me.

When I got to school, I was pulled outside. I was going to scream, but a hand covered my mouth. I bite the hand and heard someone.

"Hey! That hurt! Did you bite me?" I could hear anger. Was that.....

"Jack?" Great.....

"Duh. Anyway, there is something about you..." Did he figure out my secret? He started to walk closer. I was freaking out! Get away....I couldn't move. Or I didn't want to...

His face was just inches away from mine. I panicked and froze his feet. He looked up in shock and froze my hands. He got his hands stuck, too. We were stuck holding hands. I hope no one sees...

"Y-you have ice powers?!" I was so shocked.

"Yeah, and you?" We look at each other, then at our hands.

"Um, what do we do about this? My only cure is love..." He looked up at me shocked.

"I didn't know you could unfreeze the ice." Wow. He didn't know that...

I thought of Anna and the ice melted away. He looked at me, admirably.

"Wow, what were you thinking of?" He is so nosy!

"My sister, Anna." He shook his head. He smiled at me. Why does he only smile at me? Does me?

"I've never had real love. No one even likes me. That's why I'm so cold." I am shocked. He is totally hot! I mean like come on.... He's really hot....

"Um, thanks? Your pretty?" I looked at him confused. Huh?

"You said your thoughts aloud." I blushed and he laughed.

"I didn't mean that....but you are...." He blushed and I laughed at him.

"Aw. Thanks. Your beautiful...." I gasp and he covers his mouth. Oh man...

Once we were back in the hall, everyone was staring and whispering. I was walking next to Jack. "Jack, why are you following me?" He looked embarrassed.

Everyone looked our way. "Well, I-I um...I'll go." He walked off an I felt bad.

Rapunzel ran up to me. "What. Was. That?! Do you like him?! You can't!" She was really mad.

"Well, he is nice to me. He even smiles." She gasped and grinned.

"He likes you, for real. Have he asked you out?" She was now very excited. She just hated him...

"No. I hope he does." She smiles and hugs me.

"But still be careful around him, okay? He can be dangerous." I nod and she jumps away. Huh? I wonder what he would do.

In my first day of music class with Miss. Robin, she paired me up with Jack. Oh no. We had to write a song together.

He leaned over and said,"Come to my house later. So we can practice." I nod and he sits back in his seat. There was a piece of paper, with the house next door to mine was. He's my neighbor?!

After school I walk to his house. He opens the door and invites me in. I walk up to his room, which had tons of trophies and was an icy blue color.

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