Chapter 5

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Chapter Five


It's the day of the dance! I'm so nervous! What if Jack blows me off? Or forgets? He won't. I know. A smile crept onto my face and I went downstairs for breakfast. Anna was eating waffles and eggs.

"So? Did he ask you? Did he? Tell me!" She almost fell off her chair from bouncing. I laughed.

"Of course he did. I'm just worried." I smiled and Anna laughed.

"Don't be worried! It's the dance, your going with the perfect guy, and you'll be dancing!" She did some weird pumping thing with her arms and I laughed.

"Your right, Jack is perfect. Perfectly cute, too!" We laughed and ate our breakfast quickly. We got dressed and ran out the door.

When we reached school, I was walking in the hall when I felt something cold on my shoulder. I turned around and Jack was standing there smiling.

"Jack! Don't sneak up on me." I crossed my arms and laughed. He laughed, too.

"I'm sorry, miss Elsa." He did a funny bow and laughed.

"Jack you are so weird!" I laugh and he walks next to me.

"So, about the dance....." I cut him off. I shouldn't have.

"Your blowing me off aren't you? I thought you would think I'm a monster, everyone does...." This time he cut me off.

"Elsa. I would never do that! You know I don't think if you like that. I just wanted to say I might be a bit late. I want to look nice, so about five minutes late. Okay?" He smiled and grabbed my hand.

I smiled back. I am so stupid for saying that, but it did get him to hold my hand....

"I could use the extra time. You do realize you have to wear a suit, right?" I giggle as he groans playfully.

"I know... I hate suits. But I'll wear one for you...." He mumbles something and smiles back.

"Poor you. You have to look nice for a lady. Who loves you...." He laughs and hugs me. I hug back and laugh.

"I love you too, Elsa. Don't need to hint at it!" He laughs and pulls away. Some people were staring at us happily. We saw a group of girls with shirts on that read, Long Live Jelsa. It was amazing how people loved Jack an I. I am truly touched...

"So, looks like we have some fans." He winks and I giggle. He's the only one other than Anna to make me giggle. He is amazing!

❄Okay so sorry for a short chapter! I have TONS of homework! So the next chapter is the dance. I will try my best to update, but be waiting! I'll try to be quick.❄

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