Chapter 6

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Chapter Six


I'm almost ready! Let's see, dark blue suit, flower, and I'm ready! I fly to Elsa's house and wait outside. She comes out wearing a long icy dress, light blue, with her hair in a side french braid. "You look amazing."

"You too. Love the suit. We should go." I smile and link her arm in mine. We fly to the school and land outside. We walk in and everybody stares. Hiccup, Merida, and Punzie all run up to us.

"Aw! You two look perfect!" Punzie jumped up and ran back to Eugene.

"Cute." Merida walked away. Okay?

"I'm so happy for you two. You really are perfect." Hiccup smiles and walks to Merida. A slow song comes on.

"May I have this dance?" I extend my arm and Elsa laughs. She grabs my hand gently and I pull her closer.

We dance to the song. It was this one song that I don't know. "Jack? I love you." I smile.

"I love you too." She rests her head on my shoulder and our friends smile.

"We should go get a snack, right?" She asked me. I nod and we walk over to the table. She gets two cups of punch for me and herself.

"Thanks." She smiles.

We drink our punch and smile. "People are staring at us." Elsa looked around. She was right.

"So what? It doesn't matter. Let's just ignore them, okay?" She nods and I kiss her. Everyone smiled. Oh come on!

"Fine. Oh! They are saying who is the Prince and Princess of the dance!" I smile and she pulls me closer to the stage.

"I am going to announce the Prince and Princess. The Prince is........Jack Frost." I was shocked. Elsa smiled and pushed me up on the stage. I stood there awkwardly.

"The Princess is.....Elsa Winters." Elsa smiles and hopped up on the stage next to me. They put crowns on our heads and I mess with mine. I don't like it....

We walk down and everyone crowds around us. "Wow." Elsa said. She held my hand.

"I know right." I kissed Elsa and everyone squealed. We rolled our eyes and walk away. We dance to a song called All Of You. It's my favorite song.

Suddenly, Tira walked up to us. I pushed Elsa behind me, she cried. "What do you want?" I said bitterly. She just laughed.

"I want my revenge." Her eyes sparked red.

"Well, don't hurt Elsa! I won't let you." Elsa squeezed my hand tightly. Tira laughed.

"Fine, but I cane to get you." She laughed and shot fire at me. She caught me off guard and I was hit. I fell to the ground and Elsa screamed. The world went dark.....


I knelt down next to Jack. Tira....why did you do this? Is he going to be okay?" I cried and she laughed.

"Oh, poor Elsa. You see, Jack isn't coming back. He's dead." I burst into tears and she vanished.

Hiccup, Merida, and Punzie all ran to me and Jack. "What happened?!" They all yelled. They sat down next to me.

"Tira, killed Jack." I said softly.

"He can't be dead. Have you felt his pulse or see if he was breathing?" Merida asked. I shook my head, I didn't.

"No." She sighed. She held Jack's wrist and Hiccup checked if he was breathing. They both turned pale.

"Elsa, We're sorry to say....he's dead. No pulse and he's not breathing." Hiccup said quietly. I burst into tears again, they hugged me.

"" I sobbed and I put my hand on his arm. I pulled back, he!

"Jack! He's burning hot! He can't survive the heat. Stupid winter spirit...." They gave me a strange look.

"Huh?" Punzie asked.

"Jack, he's the winter spirit. He can't survive heat...." I cried again.

"Well, have you tried to make him cold again?" Merida asked.

"No, I will." I shot Jack with my powers, Jack didn't move at all. We watched quietly, nothing happened. The room started to freeze over, but it started from Jack's staff.

"What's happening?!" Hiccup asked. The room became very cold. I shivered, what is happening?!

"Is Jack alive?" Punzie asked. I looked at Jack, nothing. I shook my head. She sighed.

The room became hot and everything melted away. I looked at Jack. He was burning! He was really on fire! Omg! "Guys! Jack is on fire!" They screamed. The room was cold again. Jack was fine....

Jack woke up and everything stopped. He was weak and scared. "Jack!" I hugged him. He groaned. I pulled back. His hair was turning black....

"Jack. Your hair. It's turning black." Merida said. Jack looked a little at his hair and gasped.

"No.....ugh...I hate that stupid, jerk...." We were all surprised by the word. He never says that...

"Who?" Punzie asked. Jack looked up.

"Pitch Black. I think he may have turned Tira evil. I know it was Pitch, there is black my hair is black." I gave him a confused look. Black sand? Pitch Black?

"I don't see any black sand..." Hiccup said. Jack sighed and lifted up his shirt. Black sand....

"Omg! Jack!" Punzie yelled. Jack's eyes turned a deep yellow. What......

"Your eyes!" Merida gasped. Jack smirked, what happened to him.

"Got a problem, red head?" Merida gasped and looked down.

"Jack! Stop it!" Hiccup yelled at him. Jack ignored him and left. Jack?

❄Jack is evil and Elsa is upset.......❄

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