Chapter 13

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Hey, I've been trying to update more! Yay! Sorry, I have been working on a dance I made for the Kim Possible theme song! WOO!



Never leaving alive?! Excuse me?! What happened to Elsa? I know she's still there, somewhere. I have to save her! "No..." I whispered under my breath.

Elsa swiftly walked down the stairs and came up to us. She smirked, which I have to admit, looks hot on her. She then growled and raised her hands. Elsa wouldn't, would she?


I could feel the fear and power coursing through my veins. All I wanted to do was destroy my friends, mostly Jack. He said he loved me! I wanted to cry, but that was weak Elsa. I'm not her anymore.

I was ready to attack but I looked at them. I shook my head and shot dark ice at them. They all dodged my attack and I growled. I attacked again, this time hitting the scrawny one, Hiccup I believe.


Elsa had frozen Hiccup in dark ice. I gasped. Maybe she has She hasn't. I know the real Elsa is still there! I just know it! She shot ice at me, but I blocked it with my own ice. Wow, she's strong...

"Give up!" She shouted. Merida pulled out one of her arrows but I stopped her. "Merida, we can't hurt her."

"But Hicc-" Merida started but I shook my head. She sighed and we dodged another attack. We can't keep doing this!


They are so weak. It's wonderful! I'll win and be free! Well, with Pitch of course. I glared at them and shot ice at the red head, Merida. I froze her and smiled. Two down, one to go.

"Well, this will be fun. You like fun, don't you?" I asked.

"Yeah, but Elsa, this isn't you." I growled.

"It is! It's the new me!" I replied angrily. I was about to freeze him, when he wrapped his arms around me tightly.

"!" I tried to yank out of his grip, but he only held tighter.

He set his chin on my shoulder. "I will never let you go. I know your still in there. Please listen." I still tried getting out, but my heart softened a little.! He hates me!

"Let me go now!" He ignored me and stood in front of me. He leaned forward and whispered quietly into the icy air, "I love you." He then leaned more and our lips touched. I felt a feeling like knifes in my heart at first, but then it all vanished and I kissed him back.

We pulled away slowly, staring at each other. I had returned normal and I smiled. We were only an inch or two apart and were breathing the same icy air. "Elsa, Merida and Hiccup..." I gasped and turned towards my friends.

I quickly unfroze them and they smiled. They then crushed me in a hug. "Can't.....breathe!" They laughed and pulled back. I smiled. I was back.


No! I hate love! It's just so strong! I can't believe my plan failed! I'll have you Frost, if it's the last thing I ever do! I left and went to start a new plan.


I smiled at Elsa, she walked over to me and kissed me again. We kissed for who knows how long, until the love killers, Hiccup and Merida stopped us. "Guys, that is sick." Merida complained.

"Well, you didn't seem to mind when you were making out with Hiccup." I teased and made little kissy sounds. She punched my arm and I laughed out a "Ow.."

We all went back and Elsa smiled at me when we arrived back. "I'm glad your alright." I said. She didn't respond and moved closer to me. "Elsa?" She grabbed my sweatshirt collar and kissed me again. Oh man, I love this girl!

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