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Laura was reluctant to part ways with Brandon that evening. He looked lost and helpless as he took a taxi and left her behind...something he has never done since the beginning of their friendship. For the first time in many years gone by, sh found herself praying for someone; a person she has given a piece of her heart.

Brandon wept like a child as he sat on his bed. Tears that was last shed on the day of the news of his parents' deaths; tears trapped by grief and un-forgiveness. He had buried that part of the tragedy; the part about the hatred he haboured for the young man that was too irresponsible and took away two precious lives. It has been over ten years the culprit had been sentenced to life imprisonment; over ten years of not fully living...waiting...waiting for some thing evil to befall the perpetrator.

He now realised that God wanted to prove a point to him; to shed light in to some dark areas he pretended not to be aware of. Dark areas that could cost him eternity with God. A sugar coated poison in the person of bitterness, hatred and anger. He had sworn that he would never forgive his parents' killer but God was showing him that he could not help Laura who has issues of a painful past when he too has not made peace with his. Brandon sat on the floor with his head between his knees.

"Why now Lord? I thought this was over. You are showing me that I need to heal too but it is so hard. I thought I got it under control and even worse, Laura saw this terrible side of me!"

You have to make peace with the past. You must forgive to be forgiven.

He got up and began pacing around his room totally distraught about the entire matter. He had nursed and took great care of the bitterness inside of him; hatred for the man that killed two beautiful souls

"...while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us." Romans 5 verse 8.

He didn't like the fact that the Holy Spirit was trying to help him see reason. He didn't want God's Spirit to override his thoughts. Laura's face popped into his mind. He knew exactly what God was doing. He wanted him to see that what he was trying to make Laura do is exactly what God is asking him to do...forgive completely and be healed from the pain of the past and obstacles to eternal life removed. In anger he kicked at the wall of his room and punched the wall...after which he yelled out in great pain.

"Lord!!! This hurts okay!"

"Let the pain go...it costs nothing but your pride at this point in time."

"I don't want to forgive him! I want him to pay for the rest of his life!"

"Do you want to pay for the rest of your life?"

That point struck him. God was fair! Just and true! Do unto others what you want to be done to you.

Luke 6 verse 31.

He broke down and began to weep on the floor. His poor parents....dying alone and wishing to survive and be with him and grandfather. Such a cruel fate.

A knock woke him up from his reverie. It was grandpa Holmes. Brandon sat up and walked to the door. He changed his mind and didn't open for the older man.

Grandpa Holmes went back to the living room to sit back down and continue with his task of making hand gloves with white, pink and grey wool. He chuckled to himself at how God was finally manifesting his requests in his grandson's life.

You haven't sen anything yet Brandon. God is not through with you yet.

As he continued to work on, his cellphone rang. His face looked grim as he looked at the caller ID.

"What took you so long?"

"I sincerely apologised Sir. We needed to gt our facts straight before reporting back to you.

"What's the update?"

"She is no longer a Robinson but now a Rakwela child. After the Robinson returned her to the orphanage she was adopted by another couple and sadly it ended in a terrible tragedy. The woman was killed by her husband and h has disappeared. Three years later the Rakwela family adopted her and she has been with them till date."

The private investigator he hired continue to give him details about Lorato Moloi's death as well as the fact that Laura might be in need of psychological help and counseling...she experienced terrible things at such a young age.

Grandpa Holmes was about to say his goodbye when the private investigator asked him to hold on.

"One more thing..."


"We found out that Laura has been trying to find her real family members. She seem determined to find answers Sir."


Days later...

Brandon walked out of the prison gates with a lighter heart and spirit. He approached Laura to bring her to God but what he wasn't able to discuss with anyone he blurted out to her. In anger, she had told him to let the "fool" go as he wasn't worth the space he gave the culprit in his heart. He heed the advise and went to see the young man that ended his parent's life. They talked at length and Brandon even hoped that he would come back anytime soon. The road to forgiveness is a pain in itself.

"Lord, this has been a terrible day for me; help me to know that I am walking in your path."As he got inside his car and was about to drive away, his cellphone rang and a smile spread across his face.


"Brandon...someone is trying to open my door...Someone is trying to force themselves inside my room. Brandon, she is trying to kill me."

"Who is trying to kill you?"

"She is getting in Brandon! She's got a knife! Mrs. Robinson is here! Aaaaarrrrrrrrrrrrggg!!!" The line went dead with her scream.

Brandon was thrown into an abyss of confusion. Should he call the police? What should he do? Will he get to her house in time to save her? She mentioned her assailant has a knife...

"Oh God! What is happening? Why is this happening?!!!"

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