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Laura pushed Mama Joe away and knelt down beside Phillip. Fortunately the bullet only wounded his left arm and was in intense pains.

"This must stop." David bellowed in anger.

"Oh really? I wonder what your wives would say when these ugly skeletons pop out to the public. I wonder if you all will have a normal life after that."

She sighed wearily and walked to the Electric fence's control mounted on the wall by the entrance.

She suddenly grabbed her chest and closed her eyes as if in great pain. No one was paying attention to her but to their fatally wounded loved ones. She pressed the visual button of the control giving a display of the gate. She saw and heard the Police's cars and siren blaring outside.

"It is time to allow the rest of the world to join our show." She said softly and pressed the "open" button and the gate slowly began to open.

Mama Joe painstakingly walked over to Laura, went down on her knees and grabbed the latter's arms.

"Can you hear my heart?" She forcefuly took Laura's right hand and placed it on her chest.

"It longed for you; prayed for you; fought for you and now is leaving you. I love you Lauretta. Don't you ever forget that." She said witha wry smile and slumped to the floor.

Laura watched her and shook her slightly.

"Mama Joe." She said softly but no response came.

"Mama Joe!!! Mama Joe!!!" She shouted yet no response. She placed her head on the woman's chest. Laura sat down as if defeated and began to weep.

Brandon and David rushed over to them and tapped Mama Joe gently on the shoulder but there was no response.

"She's gone Lauretta." Brandon said dryly while David stood up and rushed to the door. The Police were already about to knock and met him right there. Laura stood up gently as a tear slipped down her face. She was numb and didn't really know how to react to the latest tragedy.

The Police officers quickly rushed to the horrific scene before them and immediately called for back up.

The ambulance shortly arrived and Laura watched in horror as the first stretcher took her biological father.

"Things are bad here Sir. We need more ambulance and a massive cleaning team. This is on hell of a bloody sight." A Constable said into the phone pressed to his left ear.

Latoya began to wail all over again as the paramedics began to work on Mompati and Mr. Robertson. Laura stood by her husband paralysed with shock and the blood stains on the white rug.

"Laura." She heard her name called.

"Yes Brandon?" She said.

"What? Are you hurt somewhere?" He asked and proceeded to check her for any wounds.

"I will be okay Brandon. I will be okay."

Hours later...

All the four men were now being attended to at the hospital while their loved ones sat down at the Visitor's area with heavy hearts and spirits. Laura contacted Ma. Dikobe as well as her colleague Preston. She was not only confused about the shooting but what makes things worse was the revelation about her adoptive father; that he knew about Phillip's crimes and even helped him to get away with it.

Latoya was sitted next to Phillip's wife Gloria who was informed about the incident by her brother in law David. Latoya could not bring herself to look at Laura as her heart was overwhelmed with guilt and shame at all the revelations from Mama Joe especially about her husband. She could not fathom how she was so blind to all that happened under roof. She understood clarly now why the Watchman or Mama Joe attacked her. She would hav done same or maybe worse.

Words were not spoken nor hugs exchanged to sooth the pain they were feeling. The incident seem to have created a mighty wall between them all. Laura slowly began to drift off to sleep beside her husband. Soon enough, her head slumped on his shoulder and slept off. Latoya watched in silence but Brandon decided he would break the ice. He had so much on his mind but this was not the time nor place to qestion his in laws about all that happened to his wife under their watch.

"This is her first peaceful sleep in weeks." He said softly.

Everyone turned their attention to him.

"What do you mean?" Faye asked.

"Since the night of our wedding to date, Lauretta has never slept without screaming out because of nightmares and restless mind. It has been a hectic married life." He replied sadly.

"I can't believe Phillip did all those things to Laura. I am so ashamed and perplexed. But why did't she come to any of us? Why did she suffer in silence?" David said axiously.

"She probably didn't want to ruin the only family she knew especially after going through tragic times with two other families. One could easily think she imagined all of what Phillip did or was even trying to gain attention." Latoya finally spoke.

"How could I have been so stupid and blind? She went through hell for goodness' sake! How did Phillip become so twisted and lustful? Where did we go wrong in our raising him as parents?"

"Mum, you brought us up well. He just lost his path probably bad friends. I knew he didn't like Laura when she first came to us but not long after he changed and became sweet to her. Never in my wildest dreams would I ever thought something this evil went down!"

Brandon sighed and said to them,

"It is well. She's my wife and my responsibility." He smiled and added. "I knew she had a lot going on when I met her. She has improved a lot but I know all will be well soon."

"Are you guys okay though? You looked so distant when you came in this morning." David said with concern.

"Our marriage is challenged right now because of this particular issue but we will be alright. I think she would need to move away from here to heal properly."

"You can't take my daughter away Brandon. That can't happen especially now that things have turned out like this. She won't even let you touch her. So let my child just stay with us okay...not in the hous but where within our reach."

Just then a male Doctor came and greeted the family. They all stood up except Brandon whose wife was still fast asleep.

"Phillip is sleeping at the moment. He didn't lose a lot of blood and the gun shot was not fatal as it grazed his skin. There are no broken bones or anything we could be concern about. You will be able to see him tomorrow morning."

"What about the other men?" Pontsho finally spoke.

"The other Doctors are attending to them. Please keep calm because they are doing the best they can." 

"Why is the chief perpetrator alive when my husband is dying there?" Pontsho screamed and busted into tears.

"Your husband is the chief perpetrator! If not for his rejection of Lauretta and her mother, we wouldn't be having this conversation or be here!"  Latoya retorted shamelessly.

"Can you all just keep it down?" Koketso said firmly.

Suddenly, a scream broke the silence. It was Laura.

A fresh nightmare.

"You spoke too soon son." Koketso said to Brandon and wheeled herself away from them as Laura woke up breathless.

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